Friday, 27 April 2012

Love a person for what he is, not what you think you can make him to be.

I think this picture above is really pretty. Like, simple and yet captivating in it's own special way ;)
My stomach's grumbling like mad now, but I shall not think about it and sleep after updating, hehe. And gosh, I'm really exhausted now. Memorized so much of bio, my brain's gnna explode if I'm really going to sit at the table and finish up the last chapter. But there was no school today and it was so so so so so great, I swear.
The feeling is waking up late and knowing it isn't Saturday yet, yes, that's like one of my favourite feelings ever. So I spent my morning/afternoon reading a whole Wattpad story! 3/4 of the time I was thinking "Wth are you doing Chiyin?! You're supposed to be studying, not reading!" 
But ohweeellll, I gave in to temptation and didn't start revision till I finished the story. The thing is, reading always seems to have amazing effects on me, and it didn't fail me this time! ;) I was pretty much living in my own little fairytale for the rest of the day, where all the lovey dovey stuff came true and basically yeah. Hehe ^^

Then downloaded Cubie onto my itouch! It's such a cute app, I swear! Msged with Kennedy & then my bro to test it out, and the graphics were like so fun to look at. It's like a mini version of "Draw Something" too, hmmmm. Ohyes! Introduced a Wattpad story to kenny and he seems to be quite interested in it, yay! The joy of reading should be spread to everyone on this planet :')

I eventually got down to revising bio, and going on to twitter didn't help cos each time I went on, people would be like "Been slacking away, time to start work!" or "Half more to go...." or "Shall study now!:)" and I'm just sitting there with a sad sad face. Nah, not sad face but my heart starts scrunching up and I'll start to get all panicky. Okay the feeling's coming back now /:
But that aside, studying with my brother makes things much better for me I guess. We share our notes and knowledge so everything's sorta more efficient. ;) 
And tomorrow's gnna be a better day cos I'll be going down to Simei to eat my cheese baked rice! YAYYAYAYAYAYAY I've been craving this for like, forever, so this means a lot to me >:)

And now..., I shall talk a little bit about myself, hehhhs. Sighhhh why am I always having so many thoughts inside that mind of mine?! Honestly, I don't get it too but sometimes I get really annoyed that I really feel like shouting at the person /:
Yeah I know how mean that is cos well, I'd be super hurt if someone did so to me but..... either my patience's running out recently or I'm too tired to even try dealing with all these. Mehh, it's hard finding a solution. 
But that's not the point, I'm not going to make this a depressing post cos I was happy today and there were many moments where I smiled or giggled to myself, so HA. Nothing's gnna mess up my perfect day x)

Okay nuff said, just needed to say how I've been feeling over the past 2 days. And the thing about me is,  when I'm feeling confused over you, I keep my distance. So the more you wnna find out, I kinda push you away further. It doesn't really make sense right? It's like, when something's happened between the 2 of us, I need time to sort things out, and time means about a day or 2, depending on who you are. I can't take it if you keep wanting to patch things up and stuffs cos it makes me feel even more horrid inside than I already am.

And it's really funny how it's human nature for many to fall in love with the ones who don't seem to care, at the same time taking for granted those who actually do.