Tuesday, 24 April 2012

We all need to a reason to believe.

Super super super short post for today! Gah I think it's been ages since I last blogged ): Okay, maybe not ages since it's only been 3 days but stilllll. I don't know, I find it really sad to see this place not updated, even if it's a day or so. 
So.... CTs have been adding on to the long list of things I think about every other day and it's annoying because

1) It's only Common Tests, not EOYS
2) Somehow I lack the confidence to do well
3) But I really need to do well so as to prevent myself from floating in the sewage this year

So you see?? That's why it's annoying me so so so much. LOL I just realized the amount of "so"s I use but nevermind, that's not the case. Everyone's mugging so hard and that's why I feel so insecure about the way I study, )':

Really useful at this point of time... 
Except that I'm currently stuck at a point where I don't even know what options I have when it comes to dealing with the situation I'm facing now /:
On a lighter note, I finished revising for history! Got pressurized to start on it cos people like xuanzhu said there were manymany things to learn etcetc. Mehhh

Anyways, I won't be blogging for quite some time, until May 2nd? Hehehehs, that's when the tests are all over! Phew ;) But then again, it all depends on my productivity and all that. Really looking forward to the end of CTs, cos I'll most prolly be able to go to Tunafishhy's house, andddd I can finally put in 100% time + effort for eds night. 

So yups! Good luck to everyone out there spending their time studying away! With actions come results ;) Hehe, okay shall end here and go read up on The Crucible now. Byebye!