Monday, 7 May 2012

The universe is not made of atoms, it's made of tiny stories.


Omg seriously, I want a bunny!! They're soooo adorable ♥ Anyway, it just struck me that I've been blogging everyday ever since the exams ended. Good....or bad? Hahaha, ohwell, I doubt I'll have the time to do so once the usual school lessons resume. Today was a really good day though, met up with my dearest Tunafishhy to catch "Mirror Mirror"! It was a super last minute and quick decision, cos I was feeling really really bored at home last night and it just happened that I suddenly felt  the urge to watch a movie. So yup, saw that Trina was on twitter and I tweeted her if she could go out! ;)
Then we made plans through the phone, and tadaaa! It was settled that we'd go to TM to watch it. Had to wake up at 9:30am though, I needed time to prepeare! #firstworldproblems

Met her at about 12pm, then we went to get the tickets and all. We were supposed to watch "The Avengers" but saw that "Mirror Mirror" was still on, so we chose the latter yay! Walked around after buying the tickets, saw Vina and Chelsea. Then went back to the cinema at 12:50, found our good seats and started munching on the popcorn. Oh and we saw George + his friend too! Quite awkward, cos George looked super tall and different in his V-neck + jeans and so I was like....



"Oh hi"

See what I meant??! Anyway, the movie was so so so awesome and I don't know why people rate it 5.8/10 boohoo. And Armie Hammer is so handsome gosh. His legs are so long and his character is like hahahahaha gay but cute. Lily Collins is pretty too! And the dwarves, omgosh, I felt like squeezing them all LOL
So yup! Y'all should go watch it too, before it ends :) Then both tunafishhy and I crossed over to T1 and got our froyo, walked, ate and ate somemore. Okay she wasn't really the one who kept eating. >:/ Hmmm then saw Teng, helped her with her IDMI survey, and then we trained down to Simei before going home! Yep, so here I am ;)

Okay back to the point (why I am always digressing), I was just thinking to myself how I could get used to life like this. Going out, lazing around at home w/o worrying about school x)
Ever so unfortunately, the whole cycle is starting tomorrow D': Reallyreallyreally not looking forward to it. I don't even see how I actually loved school back in Year 2. I must have been out of my mind. Like really out of my mind. 
In fact, school barely teaches you anything essential in life. Yeah fine, it teaches you how to count money, read, converse, etc. But it doesn't teach you what to do when you're feeling insecure, what to do when you've got a broken heart and what to do when you're faced with friendship problems. Maybe that's why society's so messed up.

Alright then that's enough ranting! HAHAHA I think I'm sounding too much of a naggy woman nowadays, sorryyyyy. ANYHOW, 1 last thing before I go! I've finally figured out where I wnna be in 10 years time. I've decided not to stick to a particular goal/destination. All I wnna be in 10 years time is, to be happy. Cliché but yeah, ehehe. Okiee, byebye! <3