this week has been a chore and i'm really, really, really exhausted. I've been surviving on 4 to 5 hours of sleep every night and i'm not even talking about revising for the CTs because there's just so much homework and projects to keep up with. The whiteboard at the back of the class is filled with the list of work we have to do, coupled with deadlines and due dates. I think I might be going crazy soon.
on a side note, i had fun on the way home today :) going home with marcus and kennedy always makes me look forward to school because they really make my day so much better.
2 more days to the weekend, i can do this and i'll get through it.
(I know you might have seen this on tumblr before but I just had to hehe)
The school needs more teachers like Mdm Nurlaila. I'll definitely miss her when she leaves.
alright, i'll end here :) I can't wait for friday night and the weekends. In the meantime, I'll finish my essay due at 2359 and I'll try to be more positive.