Sunday, 2 November 2014

whoop today was a super great day!!!!! very very happy because i managed to meet up with yongzi and we walked around town and window shopped a bit because there wasn't anything really nice and we managed to talk and ok maybe it was just me but I could sense the distance for the first bit but I'm so glad the tension disappeared afterwards! I was honestly quite worried at first but I am not sure if it was just me overthinking or maybe she sensed it too but we kinda drifted this year because well................... we grew up and with different CCAs and friends, we didn't have time for each other. So yeah, I found myself thinking or things to say to her for the first bit but then THANKFULLY that lasted only for a while :> I'm so so happy things havent changed and I'm so so so happy that we decided to meet up :))))))))))) we got llao llao and while it was good, sogurt still has my heart

marcus bieberzxc and I walked a lot and talked a lot and laughed a lot and ate a lot and what can I say? I don't need a lot of friends, I only need a few. (i think this is something i've learnt this year)

will upload the pictures here tomorrow! as of now, I need to complete my i&r because altho I promised myself to finish it this morning, I ended up having breakfast and using youtube for about 2 hours and I spent about 1h30min deciding what to wear lol

In the end I left the house in my typical white blouse and denim shorts hahaha sigh. I WILL HAVE ZE COURAGE 2 WEAR MY MAXI SKIRT OUT ONE DAY!!!!!! oh oh but I wore my boots out hehe, yes!!! I got the topshop boots I was eyeing on hehehehehehhe

and it's so dumb bc I'll be spending 1h15min travelling to school JUST TO SUBMIT I&R and another 1h15min travelling back home jkvnjdbvjklhbeiof I'd rather eat 50 bowls of salad and 50 plates of raw sashimi/ salmon than go to school

kennedy's birthday is coming!