Saturday 10 September 2016

Who do we blame when words prick --
the lips? the vocal chords? a person's thoughts? or her heart?

When a word is ingeminated so frequently such that it is thrown around carelessly
and callously --
who do we blame? 
the one who came up with it, or the ones who parrot it?

A friend of a friend was talking about it during lunch on Friday -- how someone at the hall she was staying in was making her life so miserable and deliberately making her feel like an outcast. Her experience made me feel so indignant. I cannot comprehend why some people would choose to make someone feel so horrible when it is so much easier to make someone's day instead. And I find it absurd how the rest allow that one person to put herself on a pedestal and throw her weight around, at the expense of others' feelings. Why do her followers follow blindly? Do they not have a voice of their own? Clearly there is something wrong in the way she is treating the minority yet nobody dares to speak up and right her wrongs.