Thursday 17 November 2016

After tuition with Cindy the other day, I bought myself a burrito bowl, sat down outside and ended up talking to the uncle sitting beside me. I initially thought he was in his late sixties but it turned out that he was my dad's age. He spoke with a mix of dialect and Chinese so there were moments I couldn't get what he was saying, but I enjoyed our conversation nonetheless. He saw the amount of sweet potatoes I had in my container and asked me if they were really tasty, then he told me about his meal at the kopitiam and how his legs were aching so he wanted to sit down for a while. Halfway through my meal he told me about his family and it struck me then how different our family backgrounds were, or rather, how different his life was from my dad's such that he looked more than 10 years older than my father. :( That was probably one of the longest solo lunches I ever had cos I ended up sitting there for close to two hours talking to him and when I finally stood up to leave he thanked me for talking to him. :( His gesture left me with a heavy feeling and plenty of thoughts because on one hand, I was glad I managed to brighten someone's day but on the other, I couldn't help but wish I could transfer a little of my luck to him