Thursday 1 December 2016

I've been having reaaaally bizarre dreams of late. The good/ exciting/ crazy ones leave me in a state of complete disbelief and awe when I wake up, and the bad ones leave me feeling empty/ icky/ disappointed. I keep remembering my dreams and I can't decide if it's a good or bad thing. I've also been spending plenty of time with myself to the point where I've figured that it's probably quite unhealthy to enjoy being alone this much

Dylan and I walked to Timbre+ after our last paper on Tuesday! My favourite part about the whole thing was definitely the walk there and back to Buona after our meal:> the pavement along the highway was completely empty except for us and the night air was so cooling with just the right amount of wind. The place wasn't very crowded either so we managed to get seats beside a very friendly lady who we engaged in small talk with. She gave us some pretty good recommendations so our late dinner was really very satisfying indeed hehe. Dylan was even more excited than I was when we researched what to try the day before, and he ordered 12 PIECES OF SALTED EGG YOLK CHICKEN. To top it off, we had some supposedly famous pork belly dish which was the most disappointing of all the dishes we tried, tacos + chips and 3 pieces of that layered food cube thingy. I don't think I'll ever forget the look of amusement plastered on the lady's face as she watched our table fill with more and more food, haha. 

Lady: "wow! You youngsters are having such a huge feast. I wish I could eat that much too"
Dylan: *laughs his ho-ho-ho laugh* "we just ended our finals today"
Lady: "Oh, it's a good thing you have each other. Share the calories, that's what a good friend is for"


Tuition last week!! Halfway into lesson Cindy stood up really excitedly to get this beaded heart:) she announced really proudly that "I got do my homework! I finish already then I made this for you. One whole day you know! Do you like it?"
THAT made my weekend and the rest of the week. Really glad that it turned out to be in my bag the whole time and that I didn't drop it while running to the bus stop. Was berating myself for my carelessness the entire time I took the bus back to where she stayed so I could retrace my steps. I still remember my first few lessons with her, during which she stayed really silent and refused to speak or look me in the eye. Nowadays she's always giggling and holding my hand and it makes me so incredibly proud of her. :> 

This was from the day I walked to Amanda's house to study! I love the fact that she stays just 2 minutes away. I'm horrible at cooking (but I make good breakfasts and omelettes - just had to defend myself) so when Amanda suggested we cook lunch I was so skeptical. I kept asking her if she was confident, to which she answered at one point of time that "You can never go wrong with pasta"

okay, this is what happened:

Amanda: "You don't trust me??? You have to trust me more" *passes me spatula* "You cannot go wrong with pasta"
*spatula immediately slips from my hand, falls to the floor and splatters sauce everywhere, making it look like a crime scene*
5 minutes later, she turns her body and knocks the ENTIRE box of pasta onto the floor.

The pasta turned out good though. Hehe.

This was with Preenttha after the GER paper! There are some friendships that time doesn't manage to wedge itself between, and this is one of them. We spent the rest of the day walking around town talking and catching up, and I think we spent close to 2 hours in kinokuniya because she wanted to show me her favourite books and we got carried away discussing our favourite pieces of writing :~) OH!!! And I finally managed to go for the open mic at blu jaz after so many months of delaying. I went with Preenttha and AHHHHH it was amazing amazing aMAZING. I enjoyed every single minute of it hehe. 

okay going to end this post with pictures of a sleepy Miss Grey because I'm a smelly post-exercise blob and I need to bathe. I'm excited to see Marcus, Kennedy and Clarence too because the last time I saw them was on our JB trip and this will be the second last time I get to Kennedy before he flies off for close to 2 years..........sigh:(