Wednesday 17 January 2018

on... love?

(Typed on 08/11/2017 while drinking a cup of $2 Liho Milk tea with pearls, at one of the tables outside the YIH food court.)

I don't know a lot about romantic love, and I have only just begun to love somebody that way. It has been 4 months with a 13-recently-turned-14 hour time difference and plenty of miles between the two of us, but I have never felt happier. Falling in love with my best friend feels a lot like home, and I mean it in the most unclichéd manner possible (although I'm not sure if it is possible for it to not sound clichéd, haha). I am an ultimate homebody and home is my favourite place to be in. When tired, home. When sad, home. When annoyed, home. When happy, home. When neutral, home.
I say that falling and being in love with him feels a lot like home because of how comfortable and safe it feels.

Many people are lucky to find a best friend in their lover, but I am so, so, so lucky to have found a lover in my best friend.