Friday 27 July 2012

People should fall in love with their eyes closed - Andy Warhol

Soghurt @ NEX yesterday! :) 

<3 <3 <3 Handsome guys :)

Aren't my stickers gorgeous or whatttt.

E D S .

Our sibling, Banana <:

From Soniaaaaaaa!

Hi this picture of both of them sleeping was taken by yours truly
(Taken from kennedy's instagram)

Took so many pictures but only this one got posted >:(
(Taken from kennedy's instagram)

(Taken from marcus' instagram)

Pictures taken over the course of this week :)

I'm feeling much much better compared to yesterday and I'd like to say a huuuugee thank you to loraine choo <3 I really really didn't expect you to know, and the post it note + pocky really brightened my day. And plus the fact that I'm just read you blog post so I'm all touched and stuff now ;__;

Ahh bananananannaa. We're all bananas, yellow on the outside and white on the inside!

I keep repeating it in my heart over and over again, its a miracle that I don't blurt it out at all heh.
But really, THANK YOU LORAINE. I shall talk to you about my feelings as of right now on Monday when we see each other wahhahahaaha. So many things to tell you!

So today.....
Headed off to dinner with Marcus, kennedy, clarence after saying bye to yifeng at bedok :)
Ate at white sands, then hung around the place with our sibling, and did all sort of crazy things hehe. First there was the incident at the food court when we dumped chocolate + wrappers + sauces + pepsi + all sort of random things into the soup, and started treating it like yusheng lololololol.

Then went to Comics Connection where I took the picture of Junsu, Jaejoong and Yoochun hehe.
Then walked around somemore, went into random shops and bounced Banana the whole time. In case you still don't know who Banana is, he's our sibling/child! HAHAHAHA. he's a black superball that's really bouncy and rubberish ;)
Clarence was really funny the whole time because each time Banana bounced high up, he'd get the feeling that it was gonna bounce away or something. And there was one time where it almost fell from the 4th level down, but Marcus caught it!
So after all the walking and all that, we played a short game of spies! Took the staircase down to the floor below and then went up again. But it was so scary we were just pushing one another out of the way hehe.

I haven't had such an amazing Friday night in ages so today was a good change :) And it was back to only the 3 of us, which made things even better :) Thanks guys.
Headed to buy supper (?) from the Taiwan stall at at the bus interchange, although they did 99% of the eating :) oh oh before that, there was this epic moment in the lift where marcus was kneeling down screaming like some mad woman, but the moment the lift doors opened, he walked out like nothing happened at all. HAHAHA

sat at the bus interchange for awhile, then said byebye to one another. Clarence and I stood at the same spot for a while doing some stupid hand waving thing, and clarence was bowing to them, and they did it back! Hehehehs. Bussed back home with clarence and talked to him all the way :)

I love bus rides with clarence from pasir ris, although it doesn't last for long :b
Tomorrow's Lit up tech run, JYJY GUYS!
Today was great, everyone did their best during showcase and I'm really proud of all of us. Just finished uploading the handover pictures, shall blog about it soon, probably after Lit up on Sunday :)

Till then!