Sunday 1 July 2012

Sometimes you have to stand alone, just to make sure you still can.

So yesterday....... spent the day with IDMI members (actually not all of them, cos only Yifeng, Yewhwei and I came) and then called wifey over to have dinner with me! Hung around the Tampines area, and we just walked randomly. Covered all the 3 malls without any aim and talked loads :) I really missed talking to her, its been such a long time since we've had a heart to heart talk with one another :)

oh and we bought identical flower badges, hehehe. Not really identical since they were of different colours, but ohwell :) Gnna pin it onto my bag before school reopens on Tuesday. And I'm not done filing my notes, whooooops. But that aside, yesterday was so good, for a moment I had the feeling that it was still the holidays. Ate at Popeyes in the evening, before bussing home together. Its like, I can totally be myself around her, and the thing is people like her come really rarely these days. 

As for today, it was the usual tuition and stuffs....nothing much :) but it wasn't thaat boring either. Okay at some points during tuition my head was literally on the table and I could feel my eyelids getting heavier and heavier as the time went by. BUT i managed to stay awake hahahhahaha. Chinese tuition can get really fun at times, but of course there are moments where my mind's wandering off to somewhere else.

But don’t forget who you really are. And I’m not talking about your so-called real name. All names are made up by someone else, even the one your parents gave you. You know who you really are. When you’re alone at night, looking up at the stars, or maybe lying in your bed in total darkness, you know that nameless person inside you.