Friday 17 August 2012

But tonight I'm gonna hold you close.

 here's presenting to you.....

From left to right: 
Team Poland
Team China
Team Singapore
Team Kazastan 


the more i look at this picture the more I find myself super stupid hehe. But nonetheless, I really love it :)
Aaaannnddd, I was the only one who wasn't specially posing for the camera ok! The rest all had their pose ready, tsktsk. So its therefore understandable that i look the most unglam LOL

So anyway, headed out to play badminton at Pasir Ris with those 3 silly people after school :) Skipped the songwriting thing, and I have absolutely no regrets at all. Hmm so after much considering, we decided to just heck care and go to kampong arang to have lunch before training down to whitesands and then walking to kennedy's house. Got the rackets, shuttlecocks and walked to the recreation centre where we booked the court earlier on Wednesday :)

When we first entered the sports hall, we felt super super lousy cos all the people there were like.... O.O
They were so good!
And so we went to the open area that overlooked the pool to warm up a bit before going back in :)
Played a couple of rounds with each of them, and I'm pleased to say that I've received a "not bad" from Kennedy! HAHAHAHHAA. Considering how he's like super good too boooohooo

but now my arms ache ):

oh and we saw daniel lee too! ☺ ☺ ☺
was playing halfway when i heard someone say "Is that Chiyin?" So naturally, I turned back and tadaaa! There he was ^^ Didn't know how to react so I shouted across to clarence that daniel was in front of me, LOL
And the response i got from that stupid daniel was, "Wah why you so loud ah!"

following that was an awkward silence between me and his friend whoooops /:

changed, left the recreation centre at about 7pm, and walked to whitesands to have dinnerrrr :D
originally wanted to invite them over to my dad's bbq but since clarence couldn't have dinner with us, the plan was cancelled. Waited for the bus with him, then kennedy, marcus and I went to the food court to have our dessert and dinner!

And then we left at about 9?
Wanted to take my bus home but my mum decided she wanted me home earlier so she told me to cab home! Got kennedy to wait with me before saying bye :)
And then watched my drama and slacked the time away! 

All in all, today was a goooooooodddd day :) perspired so much that my shirt was so wet, but it felt great ☺ also, there's no drama lesson tomorrow cos I'll be attending the one on tuesday night, and I'm going out with fiona on Monday so YAAAAAYYY

Life's good at the moment, I hope it is for you too :D