Wednesday 22 August 2012

"True worth isn't measured by comparison to others. Life isn't a competition."

"I surrender who I've been, for who you are. Nothing makes me stronger than your fragile heart. If I had only felt how it feels to be yours, I would have known what I've been living for all along."

Originally wanted to do the 10 day tumblr challenge and I did get started on it yesterday but unfortunately failed at it since it required writing things you wanted to say to 10 different people. But I ended up being long winded and spent close to 40 minutes on just things I wanted to say to 2 people.

Anyway, had lunch after school with the usual and ziyi, before bussing to aljunied :)
Took the train to tampines with Marcus and got the one for one frolick! Like finalllyyyyy, I've been pestering him to go get it with me but everytime it gets cancelled or postponed. Then we went up and down the travelator leading to the carpark cos there was nowhere to sit. Following that, we went to get Carl's Jr's fries! Ate the parts without chilli on them, so gooood :)
Took 81 back home, and the sky was so dark, and the rain came pouring down like no tomorrow ):

Thank goodness my helper came to meet me at the bus stop and walked with me home. Managed to change into my slippers and there was the squished sound coming from the water in them the whole time! Hate weathers like that, its so inconvenient.

As for today, lessons were boring as usual and I'm hating math with a burning passion. The thought of it makes me all upset and I clearly remember telling myself that I was actually going to try liking math this year.  
But this year's passing too quickly, even faster than last year.
Headed to Simei with Marcus, kenny and clarence, and kennedy alighted with me to get ice-cream and my new box of contacts ☺ ☺ After the whole introduction of the place and where I spent my childhood in, we bussed home and I've been rotting away the whole time.

Glad that I'm sitting beside zhichun! I just hope we don't zone out or doze off together during chinese because that would mean instant death sentence LOL

Had a long 1 hour talk with my mum after dinner and it felt pretty good and fun because I managed to ask her many many questions. I feel like I should be more appreciative for the people in my life but I can't help it sometimes.....

it's like, i'm hanging on to this person whom I've been hanging on to for too long, but no matter how much I try to let go, I end up clutching on tighter. Its tiring, exhausting and draining me out because each time I walk past this person, emotions start flooding through and I can't control myself. 
In fact, I'm hardly even sure. Sometimes I don't feel anything at all, but just as I'm confident that I've succeeded, everything starts coming back.

): ): ):

I feel like doing so many things at the moment but I'm so sleepy right now, sleep is currently on the top of my to-do list. Nah I'm kidding, I don't even have a to-do list right now.

ohwell, goodnight! May tomorrow be a better day filled with more joy x