Friday 24 August 2012


"In a sea of faces, you're the first one I always look out for"

Today was definitely a good day and a great way to end the week with my lovely eds ☺
Symposium wasn't really interesting but it took up loads of time so yup, i didn't really mind it. The thing is, I was never the person to be interested in researching and experimenting and what not, so my mind was drifting away to other places most of the time.... heh.

Managed to catch up with shimin over the past 2 days and spoke to zhengwei and bryan today!! I've really missed them loads :) Headed to the canteen after school with Yifeng, Marcus, Kennedy, Clarence, Ziyi, Yongzi, Joey and Kaili after school and hung around because we had to go for phototaking at 5. Talked to the dancers too and omg we made so much noise but we only realized that after observing a few seconds of silence ): The people in the canteen were staring at us and it was reallyyy quiet!

In other words, all that screaming and laughter and whining and shouting came from.... us /: But like what phuan said, all our seniors always say that about eds! We're AS ( AttentionSeeking) like that so TOOOO BAADDDD HAHAHHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHA
then they went off for dance practice and the rest of us went up to class to chill. Clarence disappeared, and Ziyi went to find jamie afterwards so the remaining of us blasted music in class, played "COD" and "SHS" on our iphones/ipods so it was quite peaceful and we didn't make loads of noise hehe ;)

Phototaking was greaaaatttt! I love love love eds and the people inside and how we always make phototaking such an awesome thing because of all the different random poses hahahhahahahahha. So this year, we decided to do...... THE ZIYI POSE! ;D Actually its not really a pose, more like a pouting your lips to the left kinda thing hahhaa. So all of us did it :)
Hm after the phototaking, there were tons of photobombing and screaming before we finally dispersed. Took polaroids with the 3 silly clowns before joining the rest at the area outside the hall.

Each cost $1.50, but all of us managed to keep one :) ♥
really really love them all, you can finally strike something out from your bucketlist, marcus!

soooo........ headed to the mid-autumn festival thing held in school at about 6:45pm as a batch and stayed around for a long time walking aimlessly/taking pictures/chatting with the seniors. Then we headed to the parade square to play truth or dare :) Everyone chose to do dares or double dares so yup! Hehe, guess everyone was feeling high or something LOL
The school was pretty cool too, with so many people having fun at the festival or simply hanging around at the parade square skateboarding. It definitely wasn't one of the usual sights you'd see in a school :)
Bumped into people I didn't manage to talk to recently, like Naicheng and Lincoln, and I'm pleased that I managed to take a picture with Naicheng! Talked to Lincoln for a bit when we saw each other, so yay. Its nice to catch up once in a while :)

Fiona's dad came to fetch us at about 8:45? Reached pasir ris at about 9 and bussed home, just in time for my drama :) All in all, today was good!

Really enjoy all the times spent with eds, especially the wonderful batch mates i have. We've really bonded and gotten closer this year, and I'm really happy to have all of them in my life ^^

Shall upload the pictures in my camera another day since its with marcus now. Goodnight and sweet dreams! :) x