Sunday 26 August 2012

Everything will change and it is going to be beautiful and better than before.

So here I am on a Sunday night (close to Monday morning) listening to soothing music from youtube and rubbing my eyes occasionally to keep myself awake. I've been replaying relaxing spa/ nature / ocean etc music for like, 90% of the time I've spent on the computer today, and its put me at peace :) Hehe.

Airneeway, today was a pretty good day by itself too, apart from that period of time I spent looking fo my IC registration form which has seemingly disappeared without a trace.I just can't seem to find it anywhere! My mum and I have decided that if it still refuses to come out from its hiding place, I'll have to go down to Bugis to get it done. It isn't much of a hassle, since I've got to deal with my passport too, so ohwell! Still crossing my fingers and hoping for the best though :)

Celebrated my brother's birthday just now! They went out for dinner as well, but i didn't tag along because I still had unfinished homework boohoo. But it was nice to have the house to myself :p

Anyway, happy birthday jinhao! Its 5 minutes to midnight but I'm sure that by the time I post this, it'd be past 12. Grow up to be a better gentleman okay! Although I can see that you're on your way to becoming one, there's still room for improvement ;D HAHAHAHA, I love you :)

Taken on Saturday, where I literally slacked the whole day away :) 
Told myself I'd wake up early to finish all my work so I could have Sunday free, but the plan failed as usual and I ended up doing all sorts of random things that I've forgotten doing. 
The only memory I have of Saturday is lazing around on my bed reading this romance story I found. It got me all smiley and happy, and I kept grinning to myself the whole time. I feel like a hopeless romantic now hahhahaha. 

oh by the way

I think I make a pretty good cat

when I was adding on the ears and whiskers and that pretty messed up nose, my brother was standing right next to me and he was saying, "I think this is your hobby."

But no, it isn't :) I don't do this often hehe. But its kinda cute and fun to see the outcome :b
I tried adding on bunny ears too but I don't think I make a nice bunny ):

So I should probably go to sleep now because its way past my bedtime that I set for myself for today. Bah, I'm not ready for school tomorrow and its gnna be another long day and I'm gnna fall asleep at one point of time yuck.

Ohoh and before I go off, I've been rather ocean-nic these few days. I keep getting the urge to run away to this beautiful island with soft white sand and this crystal clear blue ocean. I swear if I lived near a beach like how some lucky people on tumblr do, I'd go there every single morning and actually learn how to surf and dive.

But sadly, i can't because tomorrow, I'll be learning new things in a really conducive environment called school! The next time I come back on, I'll be smarter than how I already am right now, yaaaaayyyy!

ohgosh i ought to pack my lovely bag with all my bootiful homework and school tie. 
I can't wait to wake up to a bright new day feeling all hyped up for school! Goodbye everybady and goodnight! Don't let the bed bugs bite ;) Hehehe.

bye! :D (for real)