Wednesday 29 August 2012

With all the pain and memories we shared, is it that hard to bring back yesterday?


i hate it when all the memories come crawling back one by one, even when I try pushing them away ):
no idea why but I've been feeling rather reckless and impulsive recently. 
hmmmm, how should i phrase it? 

its like, i've been having the burning urge to run up to someone and tell that person all the things I've been keeping to myself. In fact, I've been playing around with this thought so much so that I really really really want to do it /:
Plus there's this sudden side to me that i rarely experience. You know, that "hell yeah let's do it and not care and deal with the consequences later" attitude. Meh.

and I'm back to being hooked onto wattpad
whai Whai WHai WHAi WHAI

I tried not to go back to it but I finished 2 stories in 2 days and its so annoying when I'm halfway through the story when I realize it isn't completed and the author doesn't update for like.... months?
anyway, the story I'm reading now is like omgosh :') It makes me smile to myself like some hopeless girl and its so perfect!

OH AAAANNNNDDDD adding on to my list of "impulsiveness",

I'm more determined than ever, I repeat, more determined than ever


learn how to surf. LOLOLOL

I know how I prolly don't sound really serious as of right now but I really really really think people who can surf are sexy and cool and just W O W ^^

( not that I want to be sexy and cool and just W O W but yeah you get my point )

so many feelings flooding through me now. 

Disappointment, Jealousy, Appreciation, Sadness, Betrayal, Worry and maybe a tint of Happiness.
Oh and assembly today got me tearing, I think it was really touching and caused me to stop and reflect on my life. Guess that accounts for the "Appreciation" part. 

I think I've got to start being independent, at least that was one of things I was thinking about on the bus home today. I need to set my priorities right, set up a study plan ( and stick to it ), improve in my studies, get away from some people, and get some other friends back into my life.

honestly, I'd really like to try a life different from the one I'm already leading.
Maybe for a day?? Cos that'd be pretty interesting.

Or perhaps I could just stay in bed for one whole day with a cup of juice, a good story and with the air conditioner switched on :)