Thursday 30 August 2012

It's time to start living the life you have always imagined.

Just ended the 1 hour 01minutes of phonecall I had with marcus! Filled with so much rubbish and randomness but it definitely brought a smile to my face. One of the best ways to end my day :)

oh and today was a pretty good day indeed~

Anyway, wanted to discuss with him the plans for tomorrow and to seek help in helping in my dilemma of whether to go out with daniel, alanna and yuxuan tomorrow or to go with the other 3 of them. Eventually ended up speaking in chinese because his sister, michelle, was with him and he was communicating with both of us at the same time so yup, heh. But both our use of chinese was just......... i don't know.

We're a disgrace to our chinese teachers ):
And tomorrow's teacher's day too, ahahhaa why are we so horrible marcus! TSK.

So we were crapping through the whole convo and my brother and father kept adding in random comments saying how we were "epic until cannot epic anymore" LOLOL
And here's one part that he wanted me to include because it was really just dumb hehhe

me: Goodnight marcoos, 晚安,sweet dreams, sleep tight, 希望你会被床上的.... um... beetles bed bugs 咬

And after laughing and repeating the chubby bunny challenge thing in my chinese accent for him to hear, we repeated the above sentence 4 times before ending the conversation.

"what the shit" was translated into “什么大便”
“have a blast" was translated into “有个爆炸!”

ahh i can't even control my laughter at the thought of it :'D
the thing is, the conversation didn't even make any sense and we were speaking in some failed chinese such that it was just so so hilariously dumb. But its always these little things which make life seem so blissful at times :)

headed out to simei with yifeng and xuanzhu today to get teacher's day gifts :) The walk to circle line was filled with our stupid quarrels and silly jokes. Bought ice-cream at simei and waited for that slowpoke silly girl to finish hers! Then we spent an hour or so looking for super cute presents :)
After getting everything, we walked down to the pet shop to look at the dogs and omggggg cuteness level: INFINITY 

They were all sooooo adorable and had such gorgeous puppy eyes omg -dies-
but seriously, I want a dog so desperately ): I've never been so desperate for something in my life before, but I've been wanting a dog since I was like, 5????????????????? ): words cannot express how much I want a fluffy friend to call mine ):
So basically Xuanzhu and I were going all crazy over them while Yifeng just laughed along pshh ohwelll~ 

but really, can you just imagine a fluffy little fella JUMPING ON THE SPOT
Imagine this ball of fluff jumping ohmygoshhhhhh. Because that was what the little pomeranian was doing! And then there was another white fella who had such lovely eyes that literally have the ability to melt anyone's heart, I'm serious. And when those eyes meet yours, you just go "Awwwwwwww" immediately, I'm not even exaggerating here, pinky swear!

Then after all the time spent there and looking at the bunnies too, we headed off for homeee :)
Forgot to put my earpiece into my bag last night, so I had to go without it for the whole bus ride sigh. But I felt really happy and light-hearted so yup! ^^

still can't decide whether to go out with yuxuan, alanna, and daniel tomorrow, and I'm in the process of asking clarence to go along since I really wnna catch up with daniel especially, because we were really close back in primary school. But then again, I'll prolly feel awkward and shy and all.... awkward again so yeah that's another problem because I don't like being awkward ): Its like, I don't feel comfortable and I can't speak my mind ):

but its all different when I'm with Marcus, Kennedy and Clarence. I can be 100% myself and be 100% thick-skinned and it wouldn't even matter [:
ahhhhhhh i hate dilemmas.
ohwell shall just go sleep now! Thankfully there aren't any lessons tomorrow so I won't have any chance to doze off in class! I'm sure the concert will be a blast (爆炸) too hehehhee. I just know it will be! ^^

HI kennedy wong ming thai if you're seeing this, know that we'll be supporting you spiritually like how I told you previously when were mugging in KFC before the CTs. Somehow we'll reach each other and ZAP! HAHAHAHAHA you'll feel a rush of adrenaline and boost of confidence ;) Alright I don't really know what I'm talking about but just know that you have our support in everything you do ♥ ♥ ♥

Alright, time to go to sleeeeepppp :)
Goodnight everybirdie, 晚安,sweet dreams, sleep tight, 希望你不会被床上的 beetles bed bugs 咬 ;)
Nights! x