Saturday 1 September 2012

'Cause we're only dreamers counting on love to survive.

PICTURES BELOW TAKEN FROM MARCUS' INSTAGRAM @THATBESTRELGUY you can seeeee, the 4 of us headed out to bowl after teacher's day celebrations yesterday which was really enjoyable :) Kennedy was the emcee too! Was contemplating whether to go meet daniel and alanna with yuxuan who was persuading me, but decided not to in the end. Stayed behind in 3E with Marcus, Kennedy and Clarence to talk/slack/help 3D finish food LOL
Then headed out to take 158 to Aljunied because we didn't know where to go. Was about to change my mind and rush home to meet yuxuan and the rest, but clarence was really nice and said we could go somewhere really fun so I wouldn't regret. But being the indecisive people that we are, we spent like, 15 minutes on the platform deciding which train to take, sigh.

So we walked over to the signboard/map and decided to close our eyes to point at a random station. But that plan failed because we either pointed to places too far away or places we were unfamiliar with! In the end, we trained to Pasir Ris and headed to Downtown East. Saw Mouyashi @ whitesands and got dragged to take pictures with her hehe. Then we played a round of "spies" and followed her all the way into the mall before scaring her! 
AND THEN FINALLY, we headed to the bus interchange where the 3 of them tricked me into witing for the wrong bus ): Such a waste of time! By the time we reached Downtown east it was 3plus? Bumped into daniel and alanna who were waiting for yuxuan and ended up talking to them :) daniel hasn't changed a bit, he's still as annoying as ever! HAHA

but the good thing is, he's finally decided to focus on his studies and stop getting into relationships. Proud of him :) but that annoying part of him is still stuck with him, sigh. Miss talking to him so much!! And we were talking about how we saw each other @ the badminton court the other day, and he said I was super loud, and caused his friends to turn and look T_T but yeah i get a little too excited at times heh.

(compiled all my favourite pictures into collages hehe)

then when yuxuan arrived, we said our byes and both clarence and i headed to the food court where marcus and kennedy were waiting. After eating and wasting my money on a dessert that wasn't worth it, we went to E!hub to bowl. Paid for one game, then headed to the 2nd last lane to playyy  ^^
I was originally on a winning streak and beating all of 'em but all my luck disappeared soon after and I became the lassstttt! )))))))): 
Its like, each of us all went through that "uprise and downfall", and I was the first to experience it! Played 2 games in the end and Kennedy won! 
Then went to an area where there were few people and the 3 of them started dancing to Oppa Gangnam Style LOLOLOL

Helped them take pictures of their legs and stuffs

( from Marcus' insta again)

yup! Headed for home at about 7 plus and my bus took so long >:( 
it was about 7:30pm by the time I got home and the whole time I was speed-walking because I was pretty scared LOLOL

then today was spent looking for my drama pieces before going over to miss esvari's for the lesson. Showed her Oppa Gangnam Style too :D

then walked back home with darius, yanhui and yuxuan, but went separate ways at the junction. Now there's nobody home 'cept for my helper, and I'm enjoying the peace before the brothers come back :)
Alrightys, byebye! still can't believe its September already. Hopefully this will be a great month!