Thursday 6 September 2012


Sooooo... hello! I'm back after what seems like ages.
Anyways, September holidays have been pretty good, can't believe the week's almost coming to an end. But nah, won't be complaining in this post and in the next one! HAHA. Yup, gnna keep myself awake and blog about both yesterday (Day 1) and today (Day 2) in two separate posts because....... well these 2 days have been by far the best days of my holiday :)

DAY 1 WAS SPENT WITH FIONA :) Really missed hanging out with this silly cute beautiful shortie. Didn't manage to talk to her much recently, so this was definitely a good chance for us to catch up!
Met her in the afternoon and I ended up being the early one even though we were already late. Sat on the seats at the platform waiting for her to show up, and I almost missed her because she was running towards another direction she thought I was at. So when I finally shouted "Fiona!", she practically ran towards me sideways, squealing. I don't really know how to describe it, but it was definitely funny, hehe. 

Then we trained to Bugis and decided to spend limited time there so we'd have sufficient time to go to Orchard etc. Shopped around there and got myself a top :) And that wifey kept telling herself not to spend too much but she ended up spending 3 times of what I spent. After Bugis, we headed to Far East and walked around somemore. Then continued walking along the stretch and decided to visit Abercrombie & Fitch. She wanted to have a polaroid with the model, but omg before we even approached the shop, the scent of the cologne was so so so so strong, I immediately asked fiona if we could like, back out and not go in because it was harmful to my heart which was already beating faster than usual. But of course, she didn't allow it and I was sorta persuaded to continue with our original plan. 

So 5 minutes later, there I was staring at the reflective walls on the exterior of the shop staring and myself and shaking my head each time Fiona tried to get me into the shop. The cologne was so overwhelming and its just........ so wow. Its like, it totally attacked my sense of smell because it smelt REALLY REALLY REALLY GREAT. Its just so unhealthy to the soul!! So finally after about 7 minutes of persuading and shaking of heads and occasional dragging of the hand, we made our way towards the model at the entrance. Then he automatically came forward and I told fiona to go first so that silly girl got her polaroid. I was all set to leave because I couldn't take it anymore, but the guy came towards me so NYAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHA I SOMEHOW GOT MINE TOO


 oh wait pictures loaded already! YAAAYY hehehe. I just took all from fiona banana's album so yup they aren't in any order~
(Short pause halfway through my long story LOL)


So back then my heart was beating so furiously it was gnna jump out any moment, and I could feel my cheeks becoming hot so I kinda like made my way out in a pretty fast manner :P Then when we were finally out in the fresh air, we started laughing and fiona was saying how she was embarrassed by me ): but yeah i know, I'm embarrassed by me too, LOL
So i told her how awkward it was for me and that it would have been better if he had a top on hahahha.

And the worst thing was, she wanted to go back in so we could have one taken together, like a group photo. But I refused even after another 5 minutes of persuading and all that, so there she went inside. I think she didn't know that I wasn't following her, because after she went in, I heard my name being called a few times. AND THEN, both the model and her came out and I had to go back in and so yup we took a photo and I was still standing awkwardly because yeah it was too distracting omg. 

(I know how I prolly sound like some deprived/desperate woman at this point of time, because shit I feel like one now too eeeewwww)

so after all the delaying and heartbeats and what not, the model guy turned to me and said, "Now that wasn't too bad right!" *flashes gorgeous smile* And all I could manage was another awkward laugh because holy mama my legs were turning to jelly.
Then fiona, being the confident one, was like, "She wants you to put on a shirt!"
So the lady helping us take the polaroid and the model and fiona all laughed and all I could do then was look at them with my eyes wide open like this -> O_________O

so embarrassing I cannot take it

And so I RAN out. Actually come to think of it, this whole thing is really super dramatic LOL.
Normal people go in, take a polaroid and say thank you, but when I go in, I spend like what, seemingly ages in there. I still can't believe I ran out, *smacks face*
My whole face was flushed and my heart was racing like mad. I have officially discovered my weakness. In fact I told fiona that if there was one day that all the guys went topless like that with their abs and all in full view, I'd take a paper bag and cover my face ._________.

So she started laughing at me and all that, and while doing so, we headed over to H&M before going over to F21
Didn't get anything but we just took random pictures together :) 
And then we went home just in time for dinner :) Called marcus at night to discuss the next day, and I started hyperventilating all over again hehhh. But seriously, I just cannot take it. The cologne, the guys, and their abs >:((((((

eheheee there's me with the 2 polaroids that took me ages to get <'':
okays byebye! Gnna blog about today now!