Thursday 6 September 2012


Just finished the post on day one and my neck is hurting already!! It'll be at the bottom of this post hehe :)

So as for today, headed to town to meet the best friend ;) 
Sent him a prank reply in the morning when he asked if I woke up already, and he really believed it. The thing was, I pretended to be my mum and sent the sms in a really serious tone and I kinda figured that he fell for it. So there I was in the morning sitting on the toilet seat with a huge grin my my face because of the thought that I could gloat about it later!

But no I was wronggg. Because he really fell for it, he thought I was really gnna be late and so I ended up being early again and I had to sit at the interchange waiting for him. The worst thing was, I forgot to bring my ezlink card, which made everything quite inconvenient. 

Decided to take 518 down to FEP cos I wanted to get some things first, and the whole ride took about an hour or so. Started talking bout random things like S'pore dramas and all that. So yup! Reached FEP at about 1:15pm and then after getting my stuffs, we headed over to A&F to take another polaroid LOLOL
But there weren't any models then so we decided to just head in and have a look. So then again, the cologne was overwhelming and smelled so good. I swear that shop is like heaven and hell at the same time, heaven because of the hot guys and the music and pretty much the atmosphere, but hell because of the unhealthy consequences they bring about ):

Airneewaaayys, we decided to bus down to Plaza Sing to catch "Imperfect" before going back to try our luck again. But "Imperfect" is NC16 so we couldn't watch ): Really wanted to catch it though!!
Had lunch @ LJS because he had some voucher thingy hehe. Really huge portion and yummy! :D

So we caught "Diary of A Wimpy Kid Dog Days" instead hehehehe. Super cute and funny!
The cinema was pretty much filled with little kids and a couple of teens and some adults but I was laughing at the laughter of the man sitting behind me. He laughed at the most random things and it was something like, "HOHOHOHAHAHAHAWHAW" 

BUT the movie was greeeaaaaatttt 8) 
oh and marcus smuggled in a box of cheese chips like things so yup hahahhaa notty notty boi *shakes head*

After the movie, we walked the whole way back to A&F and this time, we managed to get our polaroids! It was a different model, but if you ask me, I think I kinda prefer the one I took with yesterday :) Hehe. Oh and this time, the 2 of us walked straight into the shop first and walked one whole round, covering both storeys while debating who should do the job of asking for the polaroids. 

In the end, Marcus went to ask and he got his first! Then I asked for mine heheheee. But I think the polaroid lady recognized me OTL


2 accomplished dorks outside A&F hehe :)
And yes, my heart was beating the whole time and I think if I could, I would've ran around the shop screaming LOL
Oh and probably because we spent a much longer time in the shop compared to yesterday, my hair totally smelled of the cologne they used! Hehehe a cheaper way of enjoying the scent :)
Its really so darn addictive, I feel like buying a huge bottle and enhancing the smell of my house with it.

Headed to H&M where we hung around and looked at clothes etcetc.
Then walked to 313 Somerset where we got froyo and some crepe thingy that tasted quite good ^^
Was supposed to meet my cousins and aunts and mum at MBS but somehow they went to fly kites at Marina Barrage without me -_____________-

yes, I would really like to fly a kite too.

Had to go back home with Marcus in the end, but it was quite good in a way, since I got to enjoy a little peace at home with my other brother and aunt :)
Didn't get much things today, except for 2 sets of bangles and a new necklace but I'm a happy girl.

Hmmmmmm gnna have to work that butt of mine off tomorrow. So much work to do, and I'm not ready for school yet!