Sunday 9 September 2012

You could be happy, I hope you are.

So.... school starts tomorrow and I'm not nervous... at all. Well technically I should be locked away in my room and rushing through all my undone homework, but nah, I'm not going to spend my last few hours of the holiday like that. In fact, I'm gnna go watch a movie on Funshion later ;)
And to be really honest, I'm not planning to deal with NYAA either, because as far as I know, I've spent the last hour or so cleaning my room up so.... HAH.

But that aside, I watched this Hongkong drama for about 2hours plus in the afternoon, and I think I kinda know what I want to do in the future, hehe. It was just this sudden surge of motivation and admiration and that moment when it suddenly struck me that I wanted to be like them. Hmm, but for now we shall see if this lasts. So with all the reading and watching of dramas and what not over this holiday, I have decided to start making decisions for myself :D

First of all, I do care about my studies and I always will. Its just that this isn't exactly how I want to spend my teenage years. Its like, I watched this show last night, and I felt that what the actress mentioned in the scene was really true. She said something like how the things that are important to us right now, won't be important to us in the near future. Well yes, studies and results will make a huge impact on the path we lead next time, but seriously....? I don't want to live these few years of my life worrying about having to do better than other people all the time. I'm still going to work hard and study and revise, but I want to do all those things for myself, at my own pace.

So basically, I guess what I'm trying to say is, do what you want to do and enjoy what you do, heh.

And I really really really cannot stand people who assume and think every single thing is about them.

Anyways, my aunt brought Alicia and Jerald over on Friday! :) Managed to catch up with her and talk to her about stuffs, since I wasn't able to meet them on Thursday. Then we watched Barbie! Old habits never die ;) 
She's coming over for the December holidays to stay over again and I can't wait!! Really missed her soo much.
Hmm, felt really angsty on Friday and Saturday because I was having a flu and I was sneezing so much that my table kept piling up with tissues each time I cleared it. Plus, some people were annoying me so muchhhhh. 
I try to act like nothing's happened, but whenever I look back at how we used to talk I can't help but feel disgusted at myself. Ugh, this sucks.

Its funny how for some people, you'd do anything to make sure they're happy and safe. On the other hand, for some, you just don't want to get involved with them at all. They aren't important, and no matter how hard you try, you can't seem to value them as much as you know you should. And the bad thing is, you know that if they ever choose to walk out of your life, you'd miss them, but you wouldn't run after them and ask for them to return.

Alright, shall go off and bathe now :) Gnna sleep earlier after watching my movie and I'll prolly wake up tomorrow feeling excited for school....meh. Hopefully the term's gnna start on a good note :)

"An invisible red thread connects those who are destined to meet, regardless of time, place or circumstance. The thread may stretch or tangle, but will never break".