Wednesday 12 September 2012

Focus on what's important.

I feel as if my whole head's stuck in frigging whirlwind now LOL
Completely blanked out during the math level test yesterday, and it was only down to the last 2 minutes when it suddenly struck me that I knew how to do the last few questions. There goes another chance to prove Mrs Kong wrong, sigh. Its like, another whole cycle repeating itself now, I feel so drained, both mentally and physically, even though its only the 3rd day since school reopened. 

And nowadays, by the time I get home my legs feel like jelly and my eyelids get so heavy, all I wnna do is plop onto bed and sleep the time away. I don't even know what's wrong with me, its not as if I spend my time wisely mugging, so.. what's the point, really?
Seriously look up to people who can prioritize and do well. Maybe I'll get back on track one day, I hope.
Its really ironic since I should prolly head to bed now and grab a few more minutes of sleep but I feel the need to rant, heh. goes.

1) I cannot stand insensitive people. Hate it when people think its all fine to say hurtful things to you, especially when they'd get all upset if they were the ones being hurt.

2) People who use the word "ugly" to describe others' appearances. Like really, wts is your problem??!  It just goes to show the kind of person you are. And is it really a must to pass on such unnecessary comments? Before you say something, think about how it's gnna affect the other party.

3) People who go around saying "I hate her" and "I hate him" or "I don't like him" and "I don't like her" to almost everyone -________- And the thing is, some of them are people you have NEVER spoken to. Either that or you've only held one conversation with them. 

Recently, I've been finding myself getting so annoyed with those around me because of the things they say /: But really, I don't tell them off right in their faces, but I do point my feelings out and tell them to stop, but all they do is continue filling my ears with their insensitivity. 
And I've been noticing something about you. Why is it that its okay for you to say such things to others, but you aren't willing to accept it when others do the same to you? I'm not saying that it's an eye for an eye thing, but I just want to know, why is that you can hurt people like that, yet when others accidentally hurt you like just once, you start getting all pissed and upset.

When you're upset, you scream, whine, throw a tantrum and what not and its starting to irk me, honestly speaking. And every single time, I have to accomodate to you, its really just so exhausting.

And the fact that I couldn't take out my contacts today didn't make anything better. It refused to come out and when I was trying to slide it down, IT WENT THE WRONG WAY AND IT RIPPED INTO PIECES. And at that moment i was just so scared I was really on the verge of crying because my eye instantly became red and it started hurting, so anyhow, I think it was amazing that i somehow managed to remove the torn pieces of contacts that were in it >:P

life's so monotonous at the moment, everyday's the same thing on replay. 
Nonetheless, I'll never stop being appreciative of the friends I have, especially kennedy, marcus and clarence hahaha. They always have a way of making my day end on a good note.

Goodnight all! I think I'm actually feeling better already ^^