Saturday 11 August 2012

The best way out is always through

and that's one of my favourite gifs from tumblr :)
Anyway, I'm really really proud of myself! Headed out to meet Kennedy after drama lesson yesterday, and revised bio and chem and finished the whole QA with kennedy's help! i'd never be able to complete it without his help, really. he made everything seem so simple and easy for me, hehe.

The princess and her silly servant. 

Halfway through my masterpiece.... ;)

Hard at work!


Pfffffttt. look who's princess is cuter! :P


we stayed till the KFC guy told us they were gnna close, and the whole mall was pretty much empty and dark. Oh and we were speaking to marcus on the phone during that period of time, and he was on loudspeaker the whole time and nobody really heard, except for some rare stares we got, hehe.
so anyway, reached home at about 1030pm, and then bathed before revising chemistry again.
I ended up staying up all the way to about 3am? gosh, it was torturous, and my eyelids were really heavy.... and i ended up getting annoyed at lots of things and people. But my mum was really amazing :) She made noodles for me and stayed with me until i finished eating ♥

And to be honest, i was on the verge of breaking down last night because everything was so hard and i couldn't seem to remember the things i memorized. But its always these little things people do for you that constantly remind you that you aren't alone :)

So this morning, I woke up at about 8, but I decided to give chinese tuition a miss.
stayed home to study, and its been such a long time since I managed to focus for 4 hours straight.
Well done chiyin!


hmm, are you happy?

i think i am :) i've got amazing parents, silly but lovely brothers, a wonderful family, awesome friends and just.... yup ☺
cos if you think about it, i think we're all blessed in different ways. 
you can't possibly have the best in every aspect, cos that's just impossible. I choose to believe that everybody's fighting their own battle ^^

you just have to find out what you're thankful for, and you'll see that you can be the luckiest person in the whole wide world :)

"And if I can last thirty rounds,
there's no reason you should ever have you head down"

I think that's one of the most powerful lyrics that I've heard, go have a listen!
its been my motivation for the past few days, because what they say is true, 30 rounds ain't something small, its tough. i believe its tougher than lots of other things, so yup! 

oh look at the time, and i'm still in my pjs, omg

kay, i should really go off now. Headed out for another study session! =^^=