Thursday 9 August 2012

Cos the sky's the only limit when you're not afraid to dream.

Happy birthday Singapore!  ☺ ♥

Hmm so nothing much happened today, just the usual mugging and unproductive results, sigh. Tried waking up at  8 in the morning, and I actually did, until I went back to sleep and woke up 1 hour and 45 minutes later.
oh and I think the ndp show was good! Didn't switch the channel the whole time yaay ^^

hehehe whooooopsss. 
but anyway, i was just thinking about it today, like, what would a person do if there was only 24 hours left to live? 
And then I thought about the things I really wanted to do. 
Bahahahahhaha y'all know about how much i think about and all the random thoughts that go through my mind.

But I haven't really figured out the things I really wanted to do, so i guess I'll blog about them one day after I finally think about it, hahahhahaa. Oh and if you realized, the Year 1 orientation tee finally came in handy today, hehehs. Decided that it was a pretty hot day and it's actually quite comfy :D

aaaannndddd i just came across this!

1. You are walking to your boyfriend/girlfriend's house. There are two roads to get there. One is a straight path which takes you there quickly, but is very plain and boring. The other is curvy and full of wonderful sights on the way, but takes quite a while to reach your loved one's house.
Which path do you choose? Short or long?
- I chose short, because for me, I'd wnna meet him as soon as possible haha. Anyway, it means that I fall in love quickly and easily, unlike those who chose the long road, which means that you take your time and do  not fall in love easily. Hmmmm.

2. On the way, you see two rose bushes. One is full of white roses. One is full of red roses. You decide to pick 20 roses for your boyfriend/girlfriend.
What color combination do you choose? (Any combination including all one color is fine.)
- HAHA for this I decided 10 white and 10 red.  
Red: Represents how much you give in the relationship
White: Represents how much you expect to receive from the relationship

3. You finally get to your boyfriend/girlfriend's house. You ring the bell and the maid answers. You can ask the maid to please get your loved one, or you may go get them yourself.
Which action do you take? Ask the maid or do it yourself?
 - Weeellllllll if I'm close to his family and maid I'd go up myself, but if not, I'd ask the maid to do it /;
If you asked the maid to get your loved one, then you may beat around the bush, maybe asking a third party to intervene. Avoidance of problems runs high.
If you went and got your loved one yourself, then you are pretty direct. If there is a problem, you confront it and deal with it. You want to work it out right away.

4. Now, you go up to your girlfriend/boyfriends room. No one is there. You can leave the roses by the window sill, or on the bed.
Where do you put the roses? Bed or window?
- I'd place it on the window sill, and it shows that I don't need or expect to receive a lot of attention from the other party. If you place it on the bed, it means you need constant reassurance in the relationship and you'd want to see your loved one every day, if possible.

 I don't need lots of attention, but its nice to receive it :)

5. Later, its time for bed. You and your loved one go to sleep, in separate rooms. You wake up in the morning, and go to your boyfriend/girlfriend's room to check up on him/her. You enter the room:
Is he/she awake or sleeping?
hahahhahaa omg omg this is cool: If you had the same answer as me, it shows you accept your loved one for the way they are. But if you chose the one that says he/she is awake, you expect him/her to change for you.

6. It's time to go home now, and you start to head back. You can take either road home now: The plain, boring one that gets you home fast; or the curvy, sight-filled road that you can just casually take your time with.
Which road do you choose? Short or long?
- I chose the long way home, which shows that I tend to stay in love for a long time. The short path signifies that you fall out of love easily.

HAHHAHAHAA, SO..... How did you do? 8)
I think its pretty accurate, hmm. Anyway, my eye lids are getting heavier and heavier by the moment and I feel like they're about to close any moment now. 

Won't be blogging tomorrow ( I hope ) Really gotta start studying h a r d
Hopefully I'll be productive -crosses fingers-
So...... goodnight all you lovely peopleeeeee :)