Wednesday 8 August 2012

Summer's in the air and baby, heaven's in your eyes.

haha, hiiiii! I'm a happy girl today ☺
Slept earlier last night, and it was definitely a good decision. Glad I didn't stick to my original plan to stay up.
Hmmmm..... i personally think going to school today was sort of a waste of time :x the mass run was kinda fail because 98% of the people involved were walking. There was just this sea of red people occupying the pavements. But I really really look up to the runners who took up in the 3.6km run, I'll never be able to do that, heh.

(okay you may never know, but for now, I'd never be able to.)

2.4km is already torture for me, if i had to run 3.6km, i'd become a half dying fish even before clearing 1/2 of the run /:

Anyway, the performance wasn't exactly that interesting because apart from eds dancers, the whole "performance" was like an assembly talk. But still, I think the teachers were really inspiring, although I was secretly wishing they could end earlier or something.
Really deep and profound, I would say :)

Then after school ended, Marcus, kennedy and I headed to NEX for lunch! YAYYYYY
Took 158 there as usual, then ate at Mos Burger. As much as I love their fish burgers, I still prefer Broaster's because the place was never crowded and we could stay there for as long as we liked ): and their kiddy meals were always my usual whenever we ate there!
Then after lunch we walked around some accessories shops to look for new wristbands because Kennedy lost his, but they didn't sell any ): ): ): either that or they were too obvious to be worn in school grr. Its almost a miracle that mine hasn't been confiscated tho, hehe. But still, I really wnna find new ones so we can all wear them together ):

booooooo. And ohyes my lunch cost so much ): Went there with a reasonable amount of money in my wallet and came out feeling broke.

But no, that didn't stop me from having my soghurt! hehehehehs.
Picture taken from Marcus' instagram btw. Can you guess which ones belong to each of us?? ^^ 

okayyy I shall just tell y'all! Hahahaha, it's pretty obvious though, right?

Mine's the one in the middle, and the ones on the left and right belong to Marcus and Kennedy respectively ;) My froyos alwaaaayyyyssss have the colourful cereal on top of them, no matter what. Its a MUST-HAVE for meeeeeee.

Then we headed to the pet shop to look at the doggies omg -melts-
i absolutely love love love love dogs, and all the dogs at the pet shop were sooooo adorable! and they were so tiny, it was fascinating watching their bodies rise each time they breathed while sleeping. Oh and not to mention those tiny paws! :D There will definitely be a day where i'll have a furry friend like that too :)

taken at food junction :) no idea why the last picture's destroyed ): when I took it, it looked fine!
and the first picture consists of our enormously huge eyes :) you jelly??
Just look at our eyes! Aren't they like so attractive? and they're 100% natural.

HAHAHA, kay, it was just the effect of my water bottle. I remember in primary school, there was this one time where everyone was doing it, and if you ask me, its still amusing to me, up till today ^^

and then we had a short game of chasing marcus cos he took my phone and kennedy's specs and ran off with them because we didn't wnna go back to Mos Burger to get his chicken. So that was his tactic to get his way. He'd wave them in front of us and lure us to him, but when he did that, the expression on his face was just.............. STUPID.
laughed each time he turned and did the waving thing, and omg wait i know what expression it was! 
it was something like "come here, come come, you know you want this!", plus the nodding of his head and the ridiculous pedo smile.

So yup, had to follow him all the way around the mall to try getting our stuffs back, and eventually kennedy got his specs back by chasing marcus, but marcus put my phone in his pocket and he kept running away so it was so hard to retrieve it. Most of the chasing was done by kennedy though, my stomach was hurting too much because of the laughing. 
Then we decided to go separate ways so hopefully marcus would end up following us, but NO HE DIDN'T. After wandering around, Kennedy and me decided to go straight down to Mos Burger and WOOHOOO there he was sitting with his sister and my striking red phone in his hands.

So yep, there was pretty much how it went :) Bussed home with kennedy, while Marcus and Michelle went to NUH to visit their chor chor. Had a serious talk with kennedy, and there was this guy sitting in front of both of us on the bus who turned out to be my neighbour o.o

Alighted at the same stop with him and walked behind him the whole way home..... awkward.
He kept turning behind, and each time I'd be right behind, so I decided to walk super slowly to keep some distance between us hhahaha. And when he turned back again, I pretended to be using my phone :) Didn't even notice he was my neighbour until he opened his gate!

here's a picture of a handsome/hot surfer guy, in case you're tired of seeing our faces :)

but no, there should be no reason to be tired of our faces >:(

and if you feel this isn't enough to make you happy, you can always scroll all the way up to see baby lion walking towards you :) isn't he really cute?? ahhhhh i just wnna pick him up from the computer screen and cuddle him. Not the surfer guy, the baby lion. Y'all can keep the surfer guy for yourselves :D
Alrightys I should say bye now LOL

and ohgosh woww its been ages since i came on and did such a long post o______e 
the sudden realization, heh.
ohwellllll gnna eat my dinner then watch my drama and then probably start my revision for bio tonight. The thought of math 2 and bio and chem really scares me. Sigh.