Tuesday 7 August 2012

The day I learn to fly, I'm never coming down.

Young love is taking me over, your love
I’m losing control, my heart stops, stops when I get close to you,
Like lightning striking out of the blue.

Young love stealing my sleep but so what,
If you’re feeling me put your hands up, hands up
All around the world everybody in Young Love, Young Love

Hello hello :)

life's been pretty good. Hmm, apart from all the tests and what not, its been good. Chinese and LA were okay, but for the first section of the chinese paper, almost all the options were foreign to me ):
Then math was...... manageable, but whenever i say it was okay/normal/easy, my results come back as bad as when I say its difficult, heh. Lit was horrible, my essays were crappy and filled with rubbish. Ohwell. I just can't seem to understand why Mrs Vora actually said we'd laugh when we saw it. For the record, I didn't laugh or smile. History was fine though! ok let's not talk about exams/tests anymore, shall we?

Shall now do a little recap of what happened recently, hahahhaa

- Met up with kennedy on Sunday to study
- Productive session
- Survived without dinner until about midnight
- Kennedy spent 1 whole hour trying to get a math concept into my puny brain

For that, thank you for being so patient kennedy! i really tried my best for the paper today, and one reason was that i didn't wnna let you down ;x

and then there was the phonecall i had with marcus yesterday, that really brightened my day :)
Even though there was math and history the next day, LOL

I'm not sure why, but I've got a sudden fetish with braids hehe. I don't look nice in them, but each time I see some really pretty pictures of them on tumblr, I'll be like, "REBLOG REBLOG REBLOG!" , especially when there are pretty flowers being added on ☺☺☺☺

Went home with kennedy, marcus and clarence again, so yup, its a good tuesday! and I've been slacking here for the past hour plus? Yet I don't feel guilty at all psshhh. 

Shall sleep late tonight ^^ Its been a long time since I did so without studying.
but its always the -waking up early in the morning- part when i start to regret. Like when my eyelids are just super super heavy and i feel so drained up even though its just the beginning of a new day.

And I've been having occasional naps on the toilet bowl -facepalm-
Its not the deep sleep kind, its like I can just drift off to sleep even for a short, 5 minutes, gosh

hmmmmm it's just struck me that this post is filled with lots of pictures :)
but i really think that if you do love somebody, you should never ever do things to hurt him/her on purpose. I hate those dramas where the male and female both love each other but they can't be together cos of some stupid reasons and so one party makes the other hate him/her so he/she will give up.

Watching these type of shows make me feel like throwing a shoe at the character -_____-
i just don't see why you'd wnna make someone so important to you, hate you. 
Cos one day he/she's gnna walk out and give up completely, just like how you wanted things to be. And then you'll look back and regret everything you did.

ahhhh and my toe hurts ): there's this open wound on it and its really deep and gross ):
okie byeeeeee i should really go off now hehe.