Friday 3 August 2012

What would you attempt to do if you knew you could not fail?

Today was really long and tiring. Something bad happened earlier and it was really my fault so.....
Got really quite affected by it and broke down in front of Kennedy, but I'm really thankful for him :) he's always there to deal with all my shitty moods.... sigh. Its like, he's always there to lend a listening ear and to provide comfort.
And the whole thing was really truly my fault, I felt so so so bad afterwards, all I wanted to do was just rot the whole day away. But then again, I'm happy that things are fine now.

Headed to KFC with kennedy to wait for Marcus after hanging around in the canteen for awhile, and the walk there really cheered me up. Studied a bit of math there, and I managed to solve the question! :D It felt reaaally good since my math is just.... horrible. Hehehe.
Then Marcus came and we had lunch (finally) before  starting on our work again! Occupied 6 seats in total hehhh. They studied Macbeth while I did math, and Marcus was reading the things in my notebook with that stupid british accent of his! It was super funny and I laughed so much, my stomach was hurting so bad :p So yup, studied till about 6:30pm before Marcus' sister, Michelle came over. Then the 2 of them left to meet their family while both kennedy and me stayed put :) Did math the whole time and I'm extremely grateful to him for being so patient the whole time T_T I was pretty much bombarding him with the same "Ahhh I don't know how to do" complaints, but he still continued teaching me till I finally got it. THANK YOU KENNEDY WONG 

Oh and we saw Kiahuang there tooooo :)

Left KFC at about 730pm but realized it was raining. Plus, one of my contacts fell out so I was pretty much blind for the remaining journey home. Only had 1 umbrella so we made use of it and dashed from Macs to Mountbatten station in the heavy rain >:( By the time we got to the station, we were all soakedddd! It was quite fun though, shouting while running and all that, hahaha.
Then trained to whitesands to have dinner. Got home at about 1030 pm :)

All in all, today's been quite a rough day but I'm glad it ended on a good note :) 
CTS are starting on Monday and I feel like a fish in a small puddle of water LOL. Not exactly a good analogy but who cares! I should prolly start finding motivation to go to school. 
Alrightys I should go sleep now. Goodnight! 
We'll make it through tomorrow x