Sunday 18 November 2012

“Just when you think it can't get any worse, it can. And just when you think it can't get any better, it can.”

hello I'm baaackkk! So anyway, we had EDS cleanup on Wednesday and cleaned up the blackbox, dance studio and eds room. I think those who got the task of cleaning the eds room had the worst deal haha. Mopped the blackbox so many times and cleaned the walls so it was really clean at the end of the whole thing :) & there was a huge big fat lizard in there my gosh. Not to mention I saw something run/scurry across the floor in the eds room wth. So after the whole cleanup session, we played fake running man together! Ohyes and Junde (Jundy) came over to help us too :') missed him loadsss! It was really fun cos marcus, kennedy, clarence, junde, fiona and jinghao formed alliances and we were like some spy team with Junde as our leader ^^
After the game ended, we headed back to the blackbox to grab some props and proceeded to attack the other team who were the ones who caught us haha
then went for dinner at about 6pm with batchmates at simei before heading homee :)

so...yup just some of the pictures taken with the cousins :) i think it would have been a better outing if all 16 of us could go together! I really love the whole bunch of them :)
hmmm so on that day, it rained heavily in the morning JUST AS I PREDICTED. Pfft stupid rain, i couldn't take a picture with the globe ): so anyhow we met my aunt, jerald, and alicia at vivo first because ervin's family was late again HAHA. (They're always late!)
and basically the most epic person of the day was ervin and most of the time i was sitting beside him ;_: AND WHY WAS HE THE MOST EPIC?? - he waved his hands frantically during the 4D rides to block the fireballs from reaching him and denied having done so afterwards. Plus, he shouted super duper random things during the rides LOL

1. During the mummy ride, he was like "HUAT AH! HUAT AH!" (HUAT for what???!!!)
2. When we took the Cylon ride for the first time he was like "WALAO EH THIS IS THE SHITIEST SHIT I EVER TOOK WALAO EH" "I SWEAR AH WALAO EH"
3. he got wet during the dinosaur ride even though he tried protecting himself and his reaction was super funny hahahahahaha
4. He was supposedly following my aunt when we were queueing up for the human ride but he disappeared suddenly so my aunt had to go out and find him. Turns out he wasn't lost..... But it was super funny when my mum was like, "eh zisen leh???" *all turns around* "omg he's gone!!!"

and there are still some more of his "moments" which I'm lazy to list heh :p

and btw alicia is CRAZY ok, she's just like my aunt! Alicia loves sitting at the side and at the front row, and she actually keeps her eyes open to see the scenery around her. I mean, what scenery is that to look at???!!!  For all the times we took the human/cylon she kept screaming at me to open my eyes but i didn't dare too and I clutched on so tightly to the body wrap support thing :b We ended up taking the cylon 5 times and the human 6 times. I think the human was reasonable for normal humans like me although I screamed like mad up there and I was pretty much closing my eyes the whole time. The only time I opened one eye was when it was going downwards at a fast speed, so I ended up closing it again hahahaha. As for the Cylon, the first time I took it i didn't scream at all but instead, I started chanting super random things to make myself feel better while ervin was talking nonsense on one side, and my brother laughing on the other, with alicia cheering all the way. 

And when I did open my eyes I regretted it instantly because I saw the sky and the track above me, and my legs dangling in front of me. I think the most memorable one was when we took it for the 5th time, the last time before it closed and before we went for dinner. I was dragged to sit at the front row and I swear, I ALMOST DIED IN THERE, I SWEAR. Everyone agreed it was much faster than the previous times, and basically i closed my eyes throughout and started talking to myself saying stuff like "its only 90 seconds, its gnna end soon don't worry chiyin you can do it you can do it" Yeah that was pretty much what I was saying... /: AND I SPOTTED $54 ON THE GROUND HAAHAHA. But after the boys retrieved it we stupidly gave it to the cashier LOL /; it was only after that when we realized that the chances of the person going back to retrieve it was as good as 10% out of 100%. But s'okay we're good and honest citizens.

oh and we had pizza for lunch! YAY! My pizza cravings are finally satisfied :D And it was honestly the biggest pizza i ever ate, no kidding!

SEEE?? :D And it was so goooooooddd.

as for dinner, we reunited with ervin's family members (my uncle, aunt, 2 little cousins and their granny) before we headed to vivo. And while eating, ervin was talking about strawberries and how he loved the ones that wobbled and shook and were huge....yeah you get it. He ended up staying over for 3 days and 2 nights so yeah, that meant 2 nights of suffering with him HAHA. But he's a nice companion to watch running man with hehe ;)
ohyes and alicia came over for dinnnnerrrrr on friday too ^^
and today's my great grandma's birthday!! ♥  HAPPY BIRTHDAY JIATAI :)

ok its 1:15AM and I have to go to school tomorrow so goodnight everybody! :)