Tuesday 13 November 2012

“How far would you go to keep the hope of love alive?”

hellooooo :)

I forgot what I did on Saturday and Sunday so i think it isn't really important after all. Anyway anyway, my cousins came over yesterday! :) technically not all of them, but only nicole, ryan and rui en :) But I really missed them so it was great to see them again. Watched My Little Pony with Nicole, Rui en and Ryan on the computer since they were all little kids and tbh I was just tumblring while they watched and laughed away HAHA

I never really liked My Little Pony when I was young either /: 
hmm then we played somemore and watched tv and they jumped on my bed till it started squeaking really loudly. And the whole time they were jumping away, I was banished to the floor because there was supposedly no space for me ): Then they went to my parent's room and played on my other bed, and they kept climbing up and down and jumping on it so I went out again to tumblrrrr. Then we had dinner, and it was yummy because my grandma cooked! I love it when my grandma comes over to cook, her cooking is like, authentic home cooked food :) But I rushed through my meal because I thought I had drama lessons at Ms Esvari's house when actually it was at 4pm in the afternoon. So I ended up walking to her home for nothing, and it was only when I called her till she told me I missed the lesson and she wasn't home at the moment. So I ended up having to walk home and my brothers and grandma and aunt and cousins laughed at me... ok.

But it was a good thing I made a mistake anyway, this way i could watch my 2 dramas! 7:30pm to 10pm is prolly the worst time to have lessons because the dramas I watch start at 8pm and 9pm respectively. Then I ended up stoning at the sofa all the way till 11pm because I was watching tv with my granny while the rest of them were playing cluedo in the room. Btw I suck at board games man, everytime I play there's always 2 scenarios. 

1. I'm the richest at the beginning, but i end up losing everything later on
2. I start off poor, and end off poorest

yup, therefore if you play with me, I guarantee you I won't be 1st ;)

Then my aunt left with nicole and ryan at midnight, while my grandma and rui en left at about 1am :b

taken with my papaaaa ♥

with nicoleeee :)

OH BTW I'm really happy because I changed my tumblr theme to one that I really like hahaha :) on a side note, all the mosquitoes in my house are annoying me so much, there hasn't been a day where they let me be. USS with the other cousins on thursday, and EDS clean up tmr! Can't wait ^^

okaayy byeeeeee catch ya laterrrrr!