Friday 9 November 2012


weeeellll hello thar i shall blog about the past 3 days so this will be a long post!!!
anwaaayyy the past 3 days have been reaaallllyyy good and fun filled so i actually can't wait to talk about what happened! :)


headed over to ITE Simei for the fashion show to support the eds dancers!! Met up with marcus, kennedy and ziyi at simei and waited for fiona before having lunch @ eighteen chefs!! Yuummmyyy :) then bussed over to ITE, got lost in the huge school which resembled a huge shopping mall! Found our way to the ISH, and we weren't exactly paying attention at first when we found yongzi and ashleigh and teng's cousin, fay. It was partly becuse of the cute mascots walking around + the fact that marcus was busy snapping away with his new dslr! ): But after a while, we started noticing more DHS peeps around :) Some of the models were reaaally gorgeous and they wore really pretty dresses, so my self-esteem was prolly somewhere on the floor ohwellz. Mich, Vann, Tricia, Teng and Phuan were the prettiest and they did really well and made it to the third place out of all 16 schools! Really proud of them :) ohyes and there was a really handsome guy there too teehee. Marcus agreed!

and the whole time, we were camwhoring and tryna squeeze all of us into each picture as usual, and therefore there were pretty much lots of screaming and pushing among ourselves heh heh.

so after the award presentation, we took group photos, hugged etc etc, and then marcus, fiona, ziyi, kennedy and I started fooling around pretending we were models (LOLOL) and started strutting down the stage like nobody's business. (Finally we have a proper stage instead of the blackbox floor marcus!) I'm really thankful to have these crazy friends with me :') plus the music was so loud it was as if we were having a party!

so.... pictures?? 

☺ ☺ ☺

I got really lazy uploading them one by one so.. heh. Anyway it ain't nice to see my huge face there either hahahahhahaha. So we hung around playing and making a fool of ourselves until the management told us we had to clear the stage because there was another event which was gnna take place. It was really really really fun though!! Then we met up with the dancers and talked a bit before leaving. Fiona, Marcus, Kennedy and I bussed to Simei before we headed home :) great day indeed!


KENNEDY'S BIRTHDAYYY!! :) So apparently the night before, Marcus, Fiona and I had a conference call before we decided to go on Skype instead because marcus' phone bill was extremely high. Ended up discussing the plan to surprise kennedy the next day and marcus kept having trouble hearing us so it was pretty messy at first. Eventually he was put on loudspeaker after fiona called him on her house phone. And he kept making us do the "let's each recite the 26 alphabets one by one to make sure we can all hear one another well" thing, when in actual fact he was the only one having probs with his skype, tsk. Blasted Disney music (YAAAYY) and both fiona and I started singing along while marcus kept telling us to shut up hehehhs. At exactly 12AM, we conference called kennedy and wished him happy birthday!

ok i shouldn't be too naggy but I can't help it! I'm just typing anything that comes to my mind at this point of time, so basically this post is gnna be long and naggy and just stupid hohoho

the next day, early in the morning at 9AM, the 3 of us headed over to kennedy's house to surprise him! But he spotted us from his window so technically the plan failed hhahaha. Made videos with Marcus while waiting for kennedy to come down, and it was just dumb because both of us were rummaging thru each other's bags and throwing the things out one by one. Why do we do things like that, i have absolutely no idea.

have i ever mentioned that everytime i take pictures with fiona, 99% of the time she looks much better than me, LOL. I told her that and she disagreed and said she was always unglam but HELLO??? Her unglams are always glam and there i am looking like a clown ):

but anyhow, back to the point, we headed straight to fiona's house opposite to watch "Snow White and the Huntsman" and because i was the only one who watched it before, i kinda anticipated the scenes beforehand and kennedy and fiona said I was spoiling the show ): But marcus on the other hand loved spoilers too so he kept asking me so it wasn't fully my fault! And marcus kept pulling the curtains open or standing in front of the fan so he was being annoying too! Had ice-cream and they had rice, and then we went down for a swimmmm :) it felt sorta good to swim, because its been ages since i actually went into a pool hehe. We went to the Jacuzzi too and both kennedy and i kept floating upwards hahahaha. Marcus kept doing handstands and backstands in the pool too, not bad marcus!

Bathed, went up to fiona's house while the boys stayed downstairs and then at about 3pm we headed to whitesands to have lunch ^^ Kennedy joined his mum for the japanese buffet they were having to celebrate his birthday, while the rest of us (marcus, fiona and i) headed to KFC for a little meal before we went to the pasar malam to fill our tummies with more food! Hoboed at the bus interchange to eat and drink the fake shark's fin soup which tasted quite good :) Then Marcus left at about 4pm, while fiona and i headed to the basement to develop the photos of her and kennedy for her to make her card for him. Bussed home at about 5pm and slept till dinner 

then headed for drama lesson! Darius and Darryl attended it too so it was pretty fun :) Then when i got home, I immediately started on kennedy's card, which was probably the best card i did this year since I stayed up till 1 plus to finish it. And I was super proud of it!

anyway kennedy, happy belated birthday! I hope you enjoyed your day and food and yup the failed surprise. Everything I wanted to say is already in the card so yup!
Love you! :) 


Met kennedy and marcus at whitesands to have an early lunch at subway before training down to school for eds y3 meeting! :) The train was pretty empty so we all had seats, and we were still early when we reached school! Started the meeting at 1pm, and went to the back of the canteen where we did a test run for the CIP. Then we sat in a circle and planned events to carry out next year. Hopefully our proposals get approved! Discussed about the theme for next years EDSNIGHT and hehehheh the thought of it just makes me laugh so much. We made so much noise too because everyone kept talking and laughing at the same time. Hmm stayed in school all the way till 6 plus? I love my y3s so so much :') then some of us bussed to aljunied and ziyi, fiona, marcus, kennedy, clarence and i went to the pasar malam again! Bought loads of food this time but ziyi left halfway to go to his chinese drama rehearsal. The rest of continued buying more food and walked around and even contemplated taking the viking ship! But we needed to pay $3 per person so it wasn't really worth it ): plus, it was those type of baby ship HAHA. 

so marcus bought his fake shark's fin soup and we hoboed again at the interchange while thinking if we should pay for the ride! Then we talked and talked till about 9:30pm before we went home :) I really truly enjoyed today so much, especially because clarence came! I really missed talking to him.

This week has been FANTASTIC, and next week will be even better! I already know it :) Hopefully your week has been great too. Okay BYEE :)