Sunday 31 March 2013

Happy vibes

Hello! Lots of things to blog about today, especially since I'm no longer feeling as lazy as I felt yesterday haha :)  anyway, this weekend has been really wonderful. Spent it with my family, and to be honest, they make me very very happy :)

on good friday, I rushed to bugis to meet xuanzhu because we didn't do the chinese proj which many people already did during the holidays and I felt bad because I thought I was going to be late. Ended up waiting for her for a whole 45 minutes and all I did was sit at the platform and watch the trains go by. I swear each time I'm early the other person I'm meeting is always late, and vice versa ):

we walked around taking pictures for our project and interviewed people but it was quite awkward because most of the people working at the hotel didn't want to help us. There was this really nice guy who answered our questions though, and to top it off, he was smiling the whole time :')

then went shopping and got new pullovers :)

rushed to meet my family at NEX in the evening and took the train to Tanjong Pagar and then rushed out because we realized it took a much longer time than training to Paya lebar HAHA

on the way there, a really nice stranger said something that made my day much better :) she's really kind and somehow i do hope i'll be able to see her again someday

had laksa for dinner with my parents and brothers, and then got sogurt! :) 

(i'm really lazy to upload pictures taken with xz so all these are just from my phone)


and on saturday, we headed out to have a hotpot dinner! the thought of it makes me hungry all over again jeez. I think the restaurant's called "Hotpot Sg Style" and the one we went to was at T1 :) The ambience was really nice and most importantly, the food was VERY VERY GOOD :)
bought new shoes too so I went home feeling happy and full.


really glad that trina came for langsong today, esp since we had time to walk around parkway for some time before she went for aspen. Managed to tell her about things and all in all I miss her loads and yeah I miss sitting beside her in class/ going for recess together/ laughing with her during lessons

boarded some really cute cadbury bus and there were hats/ribbons/wigs on the seats and they made us take pictures and say lots of magic words but only my youngest brother, a few other kids and their parents actually did as they were told haha. The whole time my other brother and i were worrying about whether it would really take us to bedok HAHA

cabbed home, lazed around, did some work and i'm still not done with it yet. i like sundays and chinese tuition a lot, but i hate the fact that the next day's monday sigh

alright, that's it i guess! time needs to slow down, i'm not ready for so many things, and there's still loads of stuff I want to do. Okay, time to go bathe and hopefully finish the commonwealth essay which i've been putting aside for way too long. Goodnight! :)