Friday 29 March 2013

I wish I knew you personally because you seem like a really nice and cool and interesting person 
and although this place is really tiny, the chances of me ever getting to do so is 0.00000001%

this is such a weird and foreign feeling because I feel like I already know some part of you
even though I don't

but I do hope that whatever I hope will happen will happen sometime soon because
that would make me really happy I suppose :)

on a side note, I wish I was a more interesting person


I really don't know why I'm typing this way but
 I think
it's because I'm lazy to type in sentences and make sure that they do make sense

most importantly,
today was a good day too

a really nice and kind stranger made me feel beautiful at least for a few seconds 

thank you :)

I wish I had the courage then to tell you to have an amazing day ahead
and how I thought it was cool that orange was your favourite colour and how 
you showed it clearly
but you walked off too quickly 
and I was too shy
to say something else apart from repeating "thank you" and saying "bye!"

but I hope one day I'll manage to brighten up someone's day like how you did :)