Saturday 2 March 2013


Stop for a moment and say: Today I feel good. Right now, I feel good. My life is amazing, and I am happy. Right now, in this moment, there is no missing part of me. There is nothing missing.

My first day of March went really, really well :) In fact, I think it was the best day of the week! Supposed to meet Marcus and Kennedy in the morning to go to school together but Kennedy overslept so I went with Marcus. Idk why but each time I know I'm going to school with them, I'll wake up feeling really excited 

Went up for the EDS meeting for about 10 minutes before heading to the chem lab to do the practical because I couldn't get the results on Thursday LOL
I remember Mrs Phua was like, "So who are the pathetic ones who keep failing? Come back tomorrow to redo!"
But it turned out fine because I had Xuanzhu and Zhichun with me hehe. And the lab was filled with lots of people so it wasn't really boring. Bryan was there too, and we talked quite a bit so that was a good start to the day :) Aaaand I managed to obtain the correct results after 5 tries so good job chiyin! 

oh and another thing that I was really looking forward to was the eye dissection we had to do hehe. I thought it was REALLY REALLY cool and fun and interesting :) definitely a reason why bio pracs are better than chem pracs! (I feel like every chem lesson/practical my mind just switches off automatically and I hardly ever absorb anything)

the best part came after school though :) had cca as usual but Candice came back to talk to us after it ended. Some of us couldn't make it so only Marcus, Clarence, Kennedy, Jinrui, Yifeng, Jamie and I stayed back. Headed out to the open area to talk and listen to her, and we ended up sitting there for about 3 hours. It was definitely worth it because it made us reflect on ourselves and realize what we needed to do. Also made us realize a lot of problems among ourselves and I think we gained lots of insight after the talk she had with us. Yifeng left halfway though, so he wasn't with us when Candice left us at about 8. 
The rest of us just lay on the ground and we just had this really personal and close talk among ourselves. Looked at the sky and the stars/satellites and left school really late. Dr Foo waved to us from his car too but we didn't recognize him so we only waved back after crossing the road hehe. Reached home at about 11 but no regrets :)

( thanks clarence, marcus, kennedy, jamie and SJR for making Friday night special )

as for today, I had math tuition, then snacked on cookies and then watched videos and read quite a bit. Oh and I had about 10 hours of sleep with a really good dream in between so I woke up feeling really happy! Haven't started on homework but that's okay because homework can wait when it comes to the weekends :p

watch this!!!!! It's a little too cheesy/romantic at some parts but I love her voice and I thought the storyline was pretty cute :)

Day 8// 3 turn ons
  1. smells good
  2. looks presentable
  3. has a sense of humor
Yup!! that's it :)

 I don't really have anything else to say so....... Have a fantastic weekend and don't forget to have as much sleep as possible :) bye!