Friday 15 March 2013


It's finally Friday everyone!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! This week was filled with so much work and I was really counting down to the weekends :) I felt like a walking zombie 90% of the time in school and I kept falling asleep in class... Gnna stock up on as much sleep as possible this holiday!

Anyway, there were so many things that happened over the past 2 weeks :) Firstly, there was the little celebration we had for Uma, Junde, Yuanting and XiaoFei! Had a cake fight later on and it was really crazy with all of us screaming and running around but no regrets :) Pretty much everyone had cake on their faces and Natasha was like a silent killer going around and dirtying our shirts hahaha. Jansen taught us how to play the "meh meh" game too which Yifeng then spread to 4E HAHA

super cute juniors I have

On Sunday, I headed out to meet Xuanzhu after tuition and we did a lil bit of shopping. Got my $1 ice-cream outside A&F (it's a must each time I'm in town!!!!!) and then we rushed to the aiport to meet Yixian, Yifeng, Jiahui and Yvonne for dinner at Aston's :) Had such a good meal, and then we walked around and talked loads before heading home at about 9.

chocolate stash I got from Li En ☺

Headed out on Marcus' birthday after school to the airport again :) Had lunch at Astons and watched the planes fly by. Talked about stuff before we went to starbucks and then T3 to get ice-cream. Sat down again and talked before we took 53 home at about 7 plus :)

 Celebrated Marcus' birthday again with EDS after cca today :) Planned the cake idea with Kennedy and Clarence, and thankfully Kennedy managed to get it yesterday!

And I dropped my ipod into the toilet bowl last Monday so ever since then I've had no music to listen to on the bus or when I feel like it. I don't think my phone has that much memory to store the number of songs I have so.. ☹ 

However, another good thing that happened was that I got Sogurt twice within these 2 weeksss! The best thing was that they had all my favourite flavors both times and that made me very very happy indeed hehe


Once again, happy belated birthday to my one of my favourite person in the world :)