Monday, 15 August 2016

“And whose heart is not a hungry fish?”

The women, they have
hungry hearts
that swim with a feverish fervour

The men, they have 
fish hooks for mouths
that spin spiels made of gold and glitter —  
that is their bait.

The bait beckons the fish over with blandishment
and fervent flattery

The fish latches on 
wide-eyed with wonder,
packaging prudence into a box branded “rejectamenta”,

only to have its swevens shattered
and to find itself merely one of many.

pretty lucky with the inspiration/ feels department recently :> this one was inspired by one of Cyril Wong's poems, where the line "whose heart is not a hungry fish" wedged itself in the crevices of my mind and stayed there for the past couple of weeks.