Saturday 8 October 2016

a very very clear example of what I mean when I say I operate on extremes:
It's 1:05 pm and I still have not started on the personal branding video I'm supposed to submit by 2359 tonight. I simply do not care enough. Or maybe it's the little voice at the back of my mind that reminds my procrastinating self that I'll get it done by 2359 anyway because I am not gutsy/ irresponsible (really??) enough to ditch school work (I think it's the former).

okay I think I'm going to bathe, change into a new set of clothes, make myself presentable and start on the 45 second video. Although honestly, the idea of staying in my pjs is super tempting. I did it yesterday and I didn't care that I was a smelly greasy girl at the end of the day. LOL

okay bye!!!!!!!!!!!!!