Saturday 8 October 2016

the toilet is where
i peel off layer upon layer 
of cloth
and skin.

the toilet is where 
buttons come loose 
zips are undone 
hooks are unclasped
and i become 
the person i see in the mirror —
fluid —
curves, dents, slopes, rolls.

i spill, i leak, i clean up.
only this time, I don’t forget
to breathe.

found a certain kind of peace within myself today so I edited this. Sometimes it hits me again and sometimes I fill myself with so much self-loathe. Maybe it's because my mind's been occupied and maybe it's because I barely have time to think about it, but I'm just grateful it

left things hanging, didn't complete my sentence. Hmm. It's 5am now and my eyelids are really really really heavy but I'll give myself 5 more minutes before I head to sleep and give myself 4 hours of undisturbed rest. When I wake up it's going to be a rush of things to do and complete but I don't actually have any rights to complain because I left things to the last minute. Again. Sigh :( I wanted to finish everything by Sunday night so badly but it's already Sunday morning and I am nowhere near done with my list of responsibilities.

- pause because I forgot what I came here for -

I was thinking about it on the train the other day about the kind of person I was and the kind of person I wanted to be. I think I operate on extremes -- if I care about something, I invest in it completely. If I do not care about/ for something, I simply don't and can't. It's bad, I suppose, because then I don't put in effort at all, unless of course, I have no choice but to force myself to (in this case, SE1101e which I hate with a burning passion). Oh and I met Chuan Kai for dinner the other day! It's been a very long time, but he was someone I felt really comfortable around during arts camp. I think I spoke the most to him other than Dylan, Zhenye and Nat. Remembered writing a super long note for him on the last day of camp, in which I mentioned how "I hope our friendship will continue to blossom even after camp!!" (CRINGE. I remember pausing after the word "to" because the only word that was in my head back then was "blossom" and I couldn't think of any other synonyms). So yea. I found it quite a pity that the last time I had a conversation with him was during Tweek and it wasn't even a proper conversation because of the circumstances then. I remember a lot of people telling me how plenty of friendships in uni are transient and only on the hi-bye level but I've never bought into that notion LOL. I still don't believe in it. I think friendships will only remain at that level if you leave it as that. Then again, it all boils down to my extreme-way-of-acting-slash-feeling because I've been guilty of leaving friendships at transient levels and sometimes letting friendships slip through my fingers. Anyway, back to the point. I thought about it for quite some time, about whether I should ask for a meal because 1) I was afraid it'd be awkward 2) didn't know how to phrase my message in a way that wouldn't seem too formal and too casual. But I did it anyway and I'm glad I did:> So yup, dinner was good, company was better.

And then I met up with Zhenye and Edward for dinner on Thursday night. That was nice too, because I haven't talked to Zhenye in ages. For quite a long time I've been struggling big time with a serious case of inertia and nonchalance but meeting them was a timely reminder of what I was here for. I really can't wait to get this uni thing over and done with LOL I just want to step into a school again and teach.

Okay thoughts are really incoherent now and I am super sleepy but one last thing -- I think I want to be fluid and hard at some edges but soft at the core. I keep trying to imagine how that'll look like but the only thing my head managed to come up with was an image of slime in a cookie cutter. And I'm pretty sure that is not what I meant. But yea, I want to be fluid and hard and soft all at the same time. Goodnight! (I really, really, really, love rainymood)