Saturday 5 November 2016

For our last WR lesson, Desmond told us to share a thing or two about what we were grateful for. So I said the first thing that came to my mind - "I'm very thankful that I have a home and not just a house to go back to. " He then told us to close our eyes while he carried out an activity where those he tapped on had to go to the middle of the circle and tap on those who fit the description he gave. So he'd say something like "someone in this class who has inspired you to be better, someone who has made you look forward to class" and we'd have to tap on the person we felt best fit this. I thought it was a nice way to wrap Sem 1's WR up. I really like Mr Desmond a lot because he's always so patient and he makes us feel very comfortable in his presence.

This is my class!

And my team :-)

Really quite sad that things have ended. Met a lot of good friends in this class and going for WR is one of the rare constants in school, now that people and things in uni are so transient. We had a (sort of) class dinner at alcove after that! Tried the French fried rice that Weitao kept going on and on about and when our food arrived, our whole table made a unanimous decision there and then that we weren't gonna trust his taste again.
After dinner we had llao llao!!!! And oh my the server was SO generous I had to take a picture of it cos the last time I got such a huge serving was during the internship with Amanda and Weilin.

Oh and 2 weeks ago we celebrated Thaddy's birthday!!! I think it's quite interesting to see how birthdays have different degrees of importance to different people. Went to get Thaddy's cake and conveniently had a whole afternoon to myself :> I love me-time so SO much. Went shopping and indulged in the pleasure of spending hours in one shop and being indecisive as heck before finally leaving with happiness encapsulated in material goods. Haha. Oh!! And I went to toss and turn and treated myself to a "fool's food" (hehe) LOOK at this glorious bowl of sweet potatoes and kidney beans and that pomegranate dressing

The staff there were reaaaallly friendly so it definitely made my day :> only thing was that I remembered how Trina put something onto our salads after paying at the cashier, except that my mind did not remember in time. Squirted a generous amount of vinaigrette onto mine before I said "oh shit" really loudly upon realizing that what she put was olive oil:( okay but it tasted decent with the pomegranate so yAY

Rushed back with Thaddy's cake and got his ice-cream before meeting the Best, Harvard and Wanqing. Wanqing and I hid in his room while Harvard and The Best led him out. Here's a picture of Wanqing and I with Thaddy's photo - we were waiting for Harvard and The Best to give us the signal to go up hehe:> 

then we chilled in his room and listened to their sparking LOL. Somewhere in the middle of their sparking I thought about how different things would be next year when the three of them would be away on exchange. Which got me thinking about how I really suck at adapting to change and accepting the idea of impermanence.

But yup, here's the first picture I ever took of Thaddy!!! This was during the chalet when I finally got comfortable with calling him Thaddy and not Thaddeus :> (thank you thank you THANK YOU to my lucky stars for planting him in my life I am eternally grateful to have in my life)

Today I went to pay my fines for locking myself out 3 times and I was feeling quite bitter about it because it turned out to be about $17. :( finally spotted the little black cat on campus so I got quite excited about it. This sparked off a 40 minute convo with the uncle who works at Sarpino's and this has just affirmed my conclusion that I get along way better with little kids and uncles/ aunties. And I struggle so much when I'm around people my age. sigh

Oh!!! Another thing that made today a good day was the fact that I went for FAS1101 consultation, and ended up having a short chat with Mr Goh after that. He's another tutor I really like because he reminds me so much of Mr Loh and there's a strange kind of familiarity around him. I think it's because he teaches GP outside and he's got the whole school-teacher vibe. But yea!! He saw my cat stickers and our convo went like that:

Mr Goh: so Chiyin you're a cat person *does his ho ho ho laughter*
Me: yea!!!! I like cats a lot. Oh wait!!! *instinctively digs into bag to take out my pencil case and phone without considering that he may not even be interested*
Me: *shakes my pencil case, waves my phone at his face (WHY did I do that)* all these are cats and oh wait *shows him my lock screen* these are my cats!! That's miss grey and that's neko *grins*

Honestly I don't know if he was just amused at my excitement or what but he started laughing in his typical ho-ho-ho manner LOL

- intermission: I'm trying my hardest not to get annoyed with people who are pushing their way through on the train -

Also!! Met up with Thaddy and Harvard in the morning at deck after the consultation:>

I'm honestly excited to go home and sleep because my body is beginning to fail me. I spent almost the whole of last week at home because I wasn't feeling well and the night I went back to school was the worst of the whole week. Haven't felt this sick in ages but shivering and having a throbbing headache plus a blocked nose just sucks big time

Didn't manage to stay up to watch the horror movie with caishan and the a5 girls either :-(