Saturday 10 June 2017

Hello, I was sifting through the 2000+ pictures I had on ahoypopiah last night and I suddenly felt a strong desire to blog. I would have done it, except it was already 4am and I didn't want to mess my sleep cycle up any further. Anyway, hello. It's been ages since I've come on - I realised that there wasn't much point in me blogging about my days because I do that every night on ahoypopiah. It's become a nightly ritual for me to do so and it's way easier and faster to upload pictures onto ig than it is on blogger. In the midst of scrolling through the pictures and adding hashtags like #CYandthethreemusketeers, #nekochew and #CYmomentstoremember (so cheesy!!!) so the account wouldn't end up being a dumpsite for all things random, my mind started to drift and I began to wonder what would happen if Instagram became obsolete one day. Suppose this happens and there is no way to download the pictures along with the captions, I think I'd be really sad over losing ahoypopiah. I wouldn't mind losing the main account, I think. Not that it doesn't represent who I am, but all my thoughts and memories are in ahoypopiah. Long story short, I figured that I'd better start journaling and developing my pictures. I'm a hoarder when it comes to memories and sometimes I wish I could keep happy days in tiny bottles or boxes just to replay them and live them all over and over again. 

The other night, I had a 3 hour long conversation with Trina over skype and the part that hit me was when she told me how she was determined to turn 20 this year with a different mindset from the one she had when she turned 16. I thought about it really hard and I think I quite like the person I'm becoming. Steadier, firmer. Definitely steadier. Is it strange to say that I'm excited to grow? Because I really, really, really am. I can't wait to grow, to be better, to learn more, to do more, to feel more confident, to have more conversations with people... just more, more, more!