Wednesday 9 August 2017

Sometimes I really wonder what I did right to deserve the people I have in my life and all the luck that I get. I am definitely not the most religious person here and I am still finding my way in that aspect, but if, if, if there really is a higher being that exists, thank you for taking care of me and of the people I love.

Update on journaling: I haven't written since coming back to Singapore. It's not that I've given up on it completely, but too few things have been happening for me to write about anything. I either have nothing to write about, or no time to write at all. I'm losing track of the days and it isn't a really good thing. A part of me can't wait for school to start, and a (bigger) part of me just wants to stay at home.
Anyway, it's the 9th of August today and I spent it on Taobao/ watching NDP on the television with my family, as we always do. Now that we're down to the last few days of summer holidays, I really want to spend all the time I can with my family before moving back to campus. There's still a long list of people I've yet to meet/ need to meet and now I'm wishing that there were more days in a week.