Wednesday 17 January 2018

on... love?

(Typed on 08/11/2017 while drinking a cup of $2 Liho Milk tea with pearls, at one of the tables outside the YIH food court.)

I don't know a lot about romantic love, and I have only just begun to love somebody that way. It has been 4 months with a 13-recently-turned-14 hour time difference and plenty of miles between the two of us, but I have never felt happier. Falling in love with my best friend feels a lot like home, and I mean it in the most unclichéd manner possible (although I'm not sure if it is possible for it to not sound clichéd, haha). I am an ultimate homebody and home is my favourite place to be in. When tired, home. When sad, home. When annoyed, home. When happy, home. When neutral, home.
I say that falling and being in love with him feels a lot like home because of how comfortable and safe it feels.

Many people are lucky to find a best friend in their lover, but I am so, so, so lucky to have found a lover in my best friend. 

Tuesday 17 October 2017

One Child One Skill

[Posted this on the OCOS site but decided to put this here too just so my words can reach more people :) ]

The thing about volunteering, especially when it involves having to forge a personal relationship with another human being is that it always, always, always leaves you with a hollow feeling at the end of it. Over the course of the past 2 months, seeing Muaz on Mondays became a ritual and overtime, something I looked forward to. This Monday (9/10/17) marked the last house visit to his home and as with all "lasts", I started noticing the little things he did, like placing his water bottle at the side and walking over to pass me his basketball so we could start our weekly bouncing practice. I noticed how he automatically hovered his hand around his waist - the pose he'd started to associate with bouncing- and how his hands would find their way to our hands whenever he wanted to "merry-go-round".  "Merry-go-round", also known as "Muaz-holds-Chi-and-Jacq's-hands-and-we-all-spin-around-as-fast-as-we-can" was a game that Jacq and I came up with to motivate and reward Muaz for achieving milestones such as overcoming his apprehension towards distance by jumping from one piece of paper to another. These milestones, although seemingly insignificant to the layperson, were huge steps for Muaz and it was very heartwarming to have had the chance to experience them with him. I joined this programme for two main reasons, the first being that it gave me another opportunity to work with children, who remind me time and time again of the potential for growth and the importance of seeking pleasure in the little things in life. The second reason was to find and develop my voice to speak up for the autistic community. I wanted to be able to say more than just a "can you not say that?" to people who used autism as an insult or joke in response to their friends' silly behaviour. Prior to this experience, I struggled with finding a response that was strong enough to counter the typical retort I'd get after speaking up - "Why you so uptight? A lot of people also use it what. My friends all call each other autistic but we all know we’re just joking."True enough, these two months have indeed helped me to find my own voice that I will, from now on, use to help spread awareness and challenge stereotypes surrounding the issue of special needs. While this experience definitely gave me a deeper understanding of what autism entails, I’ve come out of it with far greater respect for the parents of these children. Many times throughout this experience, I caught myself wondering if I’d ever have the courage, strength and grit that Muaz’s mother, Ms Lydiawati, possessed. As a woman, her identity isn’t just tied to being a mother and she definitely has her own dreams, ambitions and hobbies. Her life extends beyond the walls of her home and Muaz’s school, but because of her unparalleled love for her son, she wakes up early every single morning to go through the same routinely tasks - wake up, get him ready for school, take him to school, fetch him back home from school, wash him up, teach him, play with him or take him for speech therapy sessions. Seeing the smile she wore throughout the entire conversation she had with us during our first house visit made me feel so in awe, and I couldn’t help but wonder how long it took for her to reach this stage of positivity. As with any human, she is bound to have days where she slips and finds herself drained of any purpose except for the sole reason that he is her son, but the fact that she presses on and is so patient and loving to Muaz brought warmth to my heart. A mother’s love is so great, and there is one particular line she said that has remained and will remain etched in my mind for a long time to come - “If even the parents don’t believe in the child, who will?”I have seen members of the public shoot judgmental and even disapproving looks to parents of autistic children because the first thing that comes to mind when one sees a child screaming or jumping around in public is that the child has poor upbringing. I appeal to whoever who finds and reads this post to please, be empathetic. People don’t need and don’t want sympathy. People want understanding, patience and empathy — that in itself is already offering help and support to the autistic community and their families. Changing negative perceptions can start from the way we talk about autism to young children — our cousins, siblings, neighbours or even our own children (in the present or in the future). Teach them that nothing is “wrong” with autistic individuals. People learn things at a different pace, people see things differently and people enjoy and excel in different things. Talk to them about autism and help them understand that everyone deserves respect and dignity as a human being. Don’t be afraid to speak up if you hear people saying things like “eh, you autistic is it” as an insult to silly behaviour. Never use autism as an insult.Words carry strength, and strength can be passed on to the families of the autistic community through simple but heartfelt words such as “you are doing well” as a replacement to judgmental looks or stares. Be kind for everyone is fighting a battle you don’t know about — I cannot emphasise this enough. I’d like to think that people come into our lives for a reason, and with that, thank you Muaz and Ms Lydiawati for leaving me with so much at the end of this journey with your family. Of course, a huge thank you to Pey, without whom this journey would not have happened.

Wednesday 9 August 2017

Sometimes I really wonder what I did right to deserve the people I have in my life and all the luck that I get. I am definitely not the most religious person here and I am still finding my way in that aspect, but if, if, if there really is a higher being that exists, thank you for taking care of me and of the people I love.

Update on journaling: I haven't written since coming back to Singapore. It's not that I've given up on it completely, but too few things have been happening for me to write about anything. I either have nothing to write about, or no time to write at all. I'm losing track of the days and it isn't a really good thing. A part of me can't wait for school to start, and a (bigger) part of me just wants to stay at home.
Anyway, it's the 9th of August today and I spent it on Taobao/ watching NDP on the television with my family, as we always do. Now that we're down to the last few days of summer holidays, I really want to spend all the time I can with my family before moving back to campus. There's still a long list of people I've yet to meet/ need to meet and now I'm wishing that there were more days in a week.

Wednesday 2 August 2017

Myanmar 10/7/17 - 21/7/17

  • (Typed on 23/7/17)
  • One of the things I thought about on the long and bumpy car/ truck rides in Myanmar was how as I grow older, the question is no longer "what do I want to be in the future" but rather, "what kind of a person do I want to be in the future". Had many thought-provoking conversations with Charlene over the course of the 11 days that surrounded the topics of religion/ social media/ values/ contentment and privilege. In a way, I'm glad that she's someone who thinks a lot too because then we could discuss openly and share our thoughts. Watching TV shows on the less fortunate and reading about them online or through the newspaper makes it easy for one to think that one already knows and understands the plight these people are in. But the problem with this is that it's ultimately so effortless to distance oneself from them, to return to one's daily routine and forget once the credits roll or once the page of the newspaper is flipped. What can I do to make sure that I remember this trip??? How can I ensure that it doesn't become another "out of sight, out of mind" thing?? What can I do to make sure that the newly ignited flame doesn't burn out? Coming back to clean streets, evenly paved roads and a place where class distinction is hidden behind closed doors makes it so easy to forget the classroom with close to or more than a hundred houseflies, to forget the beggars along the streets, to forget the children who cherish the things that we take for granted here. In Singapore, a free bag given by a tuition centre is chucked aside and left to collect dust because we'd rather carry a Jansport/ Converse to school. To them, a bag is a bag. A slipper is not thrown away even though the grooves are smoothened by friction. Education is an entitlement in SG, but there, public education w 60 kids in a class is a privilege and private education is reserved only for the rich. The children and people I spent the past few days with want to learn and fill themselves with knowledge. They are more hardworking and more passionate than so many of us here, yet for some, the situation they're in prevents them from ever advancing or getting opportunities that are easily accessible to us. 
  • If there's anything I'm grateful for, it's that this trip and the conversations/ interactions I've had with the people have given me a new direction/ goal to work towards. I want to be the person who is able to say "see you again" and "I love you too" to the child who says it to me. I want to feed their curiosity, I want to teach. I want to be someone with a bigger purpose and a bigger worldview. I want to be more and I am going to make sure that the dream I'm dreaming now comes true, even if it may take years.