Friday 6 July 2012

The best love is the kind that awakens the soul and makes us reach for more, that plants a fire in our hearts and brings peace to our minds.

Now that IDMI days are over, I feel so sad and empty and tired ): Its like, I reallyreallyreally enjoyed the whole IDMI process because I had amazing groupmates who were really so amazing. So now that everything's over, I feel slightly relieved, and more of a huge longing to rewind time to experience the 3 days over again.  Anyway, shall do a brief outline on what happened recently!
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Wednesday, IDMI Day 1: Met up at Macs first because of the heavy rain, and watched the rest eat because I was trying to save my money :) When the rain stopped, we made our way back to the library to start work. Hmmm it was pretty memorable because of the events which happened but ohwellll <: Oh and the whole time back to school, xuanzhu was complaining about her shoes which were soaked, and the rest of us were just laughing at her, hehhehe. So...... time passed pretty quickly and Xuanzhu, Yifeng and I trained to NEX aftermath to have Soghurt/borrow books/do a little bit of shopping :) Ohoh and on the way to Mountbatten, our dear princess started chasing pigeons and both yifeng and I decided to do the same, except in the same way she did that. So yup, we amused ourselves the whole time mimicking Xuanzhu ;D
Hmm so I managed to find 2 books, Xuanzhu borrowed 1, and Yifeng got 2. Then passed by Diva and both Xuanzhu and I got matching feather clips for only $6 omgggggg. So so happy with it! Then bussed home all the way :)
If you want, you can just refer to Xuanzhu's blog for the post because I'm really forgetful and I kindaa forgot most of what happened that day /;
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Thursday, IDMI Day 2: Headed to school straight this time! Met up with Yifeng to take the bus to school tho, and since it was raining again, we arrived terribly late, hahahahaha. But s'okay, we started late anywaay. Ran thru our scripts, then went back to class to present it to Mrs Vora :) Left for Bugis afterwards with Yifeng, Xuanzhu and Yvonne!! Chased pigeons on the way, but this time, Yvonne filmed it for us. It never fails to make me laugh each time I watch it :D Then trained to Bugis, hung around Bugis plus because we wanted to watch MIB3, but the cinema there wasn't screening it ): We eventually made our way to Bugis street where we said bye to Yifeng hahahhaa. He was practically bored to death! But anyway, as soon as he was gone, the 3 of us went hardcore shopping! Actually not much of me, because all I spent at the end of the day was $15, while the 2 of them *shakes head* spent about $40?? Then it rained AGAIN so we went homeeeeeeeeeee :)
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Friday, IDMI Day 3: ALMOST LATEE FOR SCHOOL. That feeling was just "omg can i like, just hide in some random toilet and forget about running to school already", but obviously I brisk-walked with jamie and zenghan anyway l: Our presentation was at 815, so we left to KLP at 845 after it ended :) However, we made the super rash decision to go to xuanzhu's house since we had until about 2 before we had to go back to school for cca (which was cancelled eventually but nevermind). Stayed there/ ate until about 1:25pm before sharing a cab back to school because we thought we were gnna be late. BUT the moment we stepped out of the cab, we received an sms from Amy saying eds practice was cancelled )))))))))))))): walked back to school anyway, but left with yifeng afterwards :) And now I'm back home and I'm gnna bathe immediately after this heh S: Oh and I fell asleep on the bus, which hence caused me to miss my stop, ugh. Nonetheless, today was a good good day and I like Xuanzhu's "village" a lot! By the way she has this biiiigggg polar bear toy which really looks like her #just saying 
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Pictures? :)

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That's about it! Definitely not all the pictures we took, but most of them :) Its finally Fridayy! HAHAHAHA
Okay wait I still have 3 very very handsome pictures of Yifeng

WAHAHAHAHAHHA. I can never get enough of his unglams (which he thinks are glam)
He spammed xuanzhu's phone with his pictures, but she deleted them all LOL
Alright then :) Byebyebyebyebyee