Saturday 7 July 2012

Someday I will be strong enough to lift not one, but both of us.

Hellooo! I've got the sudden urge to blog again although I've already done so yesterday. Hmmmmm so nothing much happened today, except that I woke up super early today! It felt really good to be up early, since the house was fairly quiet and all :) Had sorta like a heavy breakfast, not all at one go, but it was like I subconsciously ate a lot, whooops. But I don't regret it tho, the food was yummy yummy yummy.

Then started doing my work after lots of slacking heh heh. Revised for chemistry and it felt really great to actually finally figure out what Mrs Phua was talking about all this while. In fact I don't know why but chemistry lessons in school actually makes everything even more confusing than it already is. But the ironic thing is, when I'm home reading through the textbook, things get a whole load easier to understand. And the plus point is, the graphics in the textbook are really cute with faces and speech bubbles and all :)

Then finished my tuition work and 1 essay for "Shopping". Gnna have to do one more later on at night, sigh. I don't understand why Mrs Vora is giving us so many essays to do all of the sudden. Its really a lot, like 3 worksheets consisting of many many individual essays. But ohwell I'm not gnna do the ones that she's not going to go through/collect until I feel like it. And speaking of school, THEY CHANGED THE TIMETABLE AND ADDED IN PE AND MORE HOURS THAT WE"RE GNNA HAVE TO STAY IN SCHOOL FOR WTS WTS WTS WTS
This totally spoilt my night ok, especially when I was actually starting to look forward to school because I really thought they were nice enough to let us end earlier. But turns out I was wrong, stupid school.

On a brighter note, I had fun making this gif after school yesterday hehe. It felt really good to be back home early. <- Do you hear/see this school????!! 
And it just struck me today that it was already the end of the first week of July :O Time really flew by this year, we're already down to the last 6 months or so??? I can't wait for everything to be over, le sigh.
I want to relive the June holidays so so much, but that would only mean surviving an extra week of school all over again. Sometimes I wonder if its a good thing getting snowstorms in countries that experience winter. Its like, immediately school's cancelled and you get to stay home & sleep in ):

I actually think it'd be fun to try something new, even if its just for a day. Like really, being a student is the most boring thing ever. Everyday its just wake up > go to school > go home > dinner > study > use computer > study > sleep 

.... and the cycle repeats itself. 
I just wnna do something new, like you know, newwwwww. I don't want to live each and everyday knowing what's gnna happen the next day. I don't want to expect something I have to experience for 5 consecutive days in the same place and at the same time. 
Ohgosh this is so depressing and this sucks.
I should really get going before I start filling my mind with more and more "what if"s. Gudbai and enjoy the remaining time you have before its Monday all over again! >:

and by the way, Wednesday's officially the worst day of my week.