Tuesday 10 July 2012

Bright eyes and subtle variations of blue.

Sometimes I think being a year 3 is really too hard for me to handle. But when i remember all the lovely people i have around me who're bound to back me up when i fail, i feel really reassured :) Being in EDS has definitely been one of the best things that has ever happened to me, and everything about it seems to have taken a whole new level ever since the start of this year. I'm not sure why either, is this how a year 3 should be feeling??

Time passes so fast, and now we're down to Lit Up. I remember last year, I was the only year 2 working on "A Good Day To Die" with Amy and Crystal, and I felt so comfortable with them. I remember trusting them completely with the blocking, the lines, and most importantly, the fact that they were not going to abandon me at any point of time. Now, a year has passed, and I really want to give the same experience to my juniors. I want them to be happy at the end of the day, even if we don't win anything. I want them to feel exactly how I felt back then last year. As for right now, at this point of time, there has been some troubles, yet each time I feel like giving up, I remember the year 4s and how they told us not to break down in front of our juniors. Its time we took charge of our problems and grow up as a batch. I believe we can do this, year 3s! 

Be it Lit up, handover and academics, nobody will be left behind :) We'll be there for one another no matter what. Initially, I wasn't that confident about this, because we were never that close to the dancers, but ever since Sunday's meet up @ the airport, I'm more than certain that our batch will grow stronger, together. Its like......... as if a stone was lifted from my heart after the talk. I believe we got to know one another more as well. Totally grateful to our seniors for always being there for us :)

Alright then, been seeing loads of eds recently, but you know what? That's what keeps me going every morning. In fact, that's the only thing that manages to cheer me up in the morning before going to school.   

Mister Sucram Angpau, please remember that no matter what, you aren't to blame for anything and we'll go through this together, okay? Please don't give yourself too much stress too, really. I believe that we can do this. Remember the emcee lines and all the other things we've achieved together? I believe in us, and you should too :)