Saturday 14 July 2012

Nothing much.

"I think the more you get to know someone, the more beautiful they become to you. Sure, the mystery goes away..... but when you see something deeper, that means you connected with them and they become a part of you."


I'm finally back after quite some time of hiatus and it feels really good to stay up when the house is all silent and everyone is asleep. There's just something about it that makes you feel happy, even if you're so exhausted. Anyway, chinese jianbao is getting on my nerves, I shan't elaborate too much on it because its officially Sunday and I'm not going to start my Sunday on a bad note :) 

All I can say is........wowww. Like really, I was looking through my notes in my ipod on the bus and I realized how emotionally distressed I was for the past few days. Its quite shocking too, because its pretty hard to picture myself being like that /: 

But things are just going to get better, I can feel it already and I just know it. After all they say storms don't last! So yup, gnna maintain this positive mindset/outlook for this whole month :) Been spending so much time with eds and I'm grateful to have them all with me. I don't know either, but I'm happy to be able to behave myself around them.

Shall talk a little about yesterday then! So yesterday, went for dinner with dancers and drama @ KFC again, stayed till about 9, then went off with them. Walked to Mountbatten with jamie, clarence, marcus and kennedy. The boys slid down the railings of the steps and they made it seem so fun I was tempted to join them for a moment, but I didn't ;) Then trained to eunos when kennedy realized he left his paper bag behind, so we all alighted, sat at one of the seats at the platform and discussed what to do. Decided to call some of the vballers we saw at KFC previously because we knew them, then kennedy asked his friend to help him look for the bag, but to no avail. So we travelled back to paya lebar and made a report on the missing item ( its the second time he's lost something on the train btw ) 

And we've concluded that....

The bag's on the train bound for dhoby ghaut.  Reason? Because they decided to run into the train as usual, sit on the seat and dash out at the last minute :>

Taken @ KFC with their lipsticks all over their lips

Sliding down the railings

(Pictures taken from Marcus' instagram @thatbestrelguy) ^^

As for today, met eds year 3s AGAIN ahahahhahahaha. 
It was a long day and there were points of time where my eyes were seriously going to close at any moment. That was how tired I was. So tired me became pretty cranky until I got my dessert hahahaha. 
Hmm so the day went by just like that and by the time Yifeng, Marcus, Kennedy and I had dinner at Bedok, it was 8+? The rest went home :)

Had a reaaally filling dinner before bussing home myself and knocked out within minutes. 
basically I'm just really happy and thankful for the many things that have been happening since the last post. Right now there's the other chinese jianbao, Math pop quiz, math level quiz and litup on my mind :)

But I'm confident I'll get through all these. For lit up, all I can say is, I'm really really really super duper extremely grateful for all the people who're with me. They give me strength to work harder for each and every practice we have. 
Hmm okay then I shall go sleep now because there's tuition early in the morning and its already 1:15am. Goodnight and sweet dreams! :)