Friday 20 July 2012

When you stop chasing the wrong things, you give the right things a chance to catch you.

Reached home at about 2340 today, and its currently 0043, so... by right i got home yesterday, right? HAHHAHAHA AHH I'M SO SHAG NOW YET I DON'T WANT TO SLEEP. Because time passes so quickly, by the time I open my eyes, another day has passed. And I don't want that to happen.

The school is actually quite beautiful at night, you know? Didn't really notice it until I decided to just give in to temptation and lie on the ground of the parade square. The stars in today's night sky seemed more attractive than on the other days, and for once in a long time, I actually felt as if I found peace. Alongside the occasional wind and cool night air, the atmosphere was perfect :) The best part was, although it felt as though I was alone, right beside me were some of the people I cherished the most. Yup, eds, again :)

It felt so good enjoying that moment with the year 3s. Practice today was fine, although I feel as if I'm losing it with everyday le sigh. Its like, sometimes I look at the juniors and I'm like, "omg can we just give up", because I don't know, they don't seem to understand how hard we're trying to make this an experience they'll never forget. Sometimes it feels like all our effort has gone to waste; sometimes I feel like shaking them so hard to wake them up to reality and yet sometimes I just feel like hugging them and telling them everything's gonna be fine. I'm actually starting to suspect my rollercoaster of emotions when I'm with them lol. And most of the times I'm thinking to myself, about what we should do next.

Gosh, I miss my seniors. Handover's this coming Sunday, I know I'm definitely gonna sob like there's no tomorrow. I don't want to imagine how practices will be without them.

Boo I need a hug like that ): Someone who'll tell me everything's gonna be okay. 
For some people they know who they want to receive that kind of reassurance from, but for me, there's nobody I can think of /: hmm, but there have been good things coming into my life though!

My parents got me a new camera!
Its super cute, hahahahaha. Gonna bring it on Sunday to take as many pictures as possible. And I've been getting the strong motivation to work harder in my studies although there's a serious lack of time.... Dinner was good today too, mass ordered chicken rice from the aunty LOL! Hehehehee. Played games at the parade square after a bit of discussion for handover and Yongzi and Jamie ganged up against me as usual sigh. This time they took my shoes and ran off with them! Poor poor shoes. Oh and... I've been listening to random chinese songs recently. Although they are all about love, love and more love, they bring a kind of indescribable feeling into my heart :b

hmmmm my eyelids are getting heavier and I'm yawning, should I go to sleep now?? 
ok nvm, shall try to extend this post since I'm prolly gonna have to abandon this space for a while .___.
OH BTW BTW BTW, have y'all been noticing the changes in my blog design?? Its like varying from day to day, so often nowadays. I can't seem to decide on a fixed design, but I guess I'm going to stick with this "blue concept". Pink isn't really for me, I prefer baby blue. Ok maybe pink is fine but only pastel/baby pink! ^^

Saw her in school today and the picture above completely represents my feelings. We used to be so close, but not anymore. Sometimes I look back and I wish we were still best friends, but looking at the situation now, we barely even talk. 

And those were the days in primary school where we'd laugh about getting married together on the same day.

Bah I miss those days. I miss being so carefree, where Spongebob was my daily dose of entertainment. 

"One thing that ticks off a Libran is taking orders. You order him around and he will become the sulkiest person on this earth. As you try to give a typical description of the Libran personalities, you will find a number of inconsistencies in them. On one hand, Librans are very intelligent, on the other; they may be amazingly naive and susceptible. They talk too much, but are patient listeners too. They come across as restless, but seldom seem to be in a hurry. Confused? Don't worry; they are as confused about this contradictory behavior as you are.

A Libran will be composed, balanced, lovable, courteous and amiable half of the time. In the other half, he will be exasperating, irritable, inflexible, fidgety, unhappy and mystified. He is always tipping to one side or the other, till the perfect balance is achieved. Librans have a very captivating smile, which can easily melt your heart. Even their laughter rings with gaiety and seems to brighten up even the dullest of surroundings. They are very delightful when their mind in a balanced state. However, a Libra mind is prone to fickleness."

When I feel as if I'm losing myself, I visit
Its completely accurate about me, I think. 

1) Taking orders kinda annoys me. Its nice to follow someone who's leading but too much of orders make me grumpy, hahahahaha.
2) Inconsistencies..... #YDS??? I don't know why either hmmm
3) I'm not intelligent, but okay, well, maybe in.... a few situations? ;)
4) OH YES I TALK A LOTTTTTTT. But really, I can listen too! When I'm all silent, I'm usually unhappy about some things.
5) hehe i'm always not in a hurry even when I'm late. Maybe in some cases, but I believe in always walking slowly and admiring the flowers/people/buses/cars instead of running or brisk walking.
6) yeah I'm confused about myself too, that's why I'm doing this for the fun of it l:
7) Recently I find myself in the exasperating/irritable category, but I keep it to myself.
8) I don't think I have a captivating smile, but I've seen and known libras with beautiful smiles :)
9) Meh my laughter annoys everyone hahahhahaa
10) Yup, I like it when I'm delightful and optimistic!
11) I'm indecisive/fickle and I know it ):

Y'all should go find out more about your horoscopes too :) 90% of the time its accurate and you'll be amazed about how words can actually describe who you are inside. Anyway goodnight/goodmorning I'm about to really fall asleep any moment now, so GOODNIGHT ALL YOU BANANAS.

According to kennedy, he says we're all bananas, so yep, nights bananas!