Sunday 30 September 2012


Hello :)

29/9/12 was good, prolly the best day in the month of september :) I felt really blessed and happy, a large contrast to how I was feeling the night before. Thank you for the kind wishes on Facebook, Twitter, and through texts! Oh and for the presents too :) Especially trina, who took time to bake muffins and get cookies for me ☺♥

And hannah, audrey and trina for planning the little celebration for both shimin and i on Friday morning. You guys are really amazing :')
And everyone who wished me!!! It was really too sweet, hehe :) oh and my mummy and papa, who took the trouble to get me the cake i wanted next to the cartoon type HAHA
But nonetheless, thank you :) and my 2 brothers too! Who never fail to make me feel loved :)

haven't been blogging in agessss and tbh i reaally wish i had more time to .___. It feels really weird to come here after so long, i have like, tons of things to say but i don't really know where to start. Plus, the EOYs are officially here and I'm not prepared so yup sigh.
I just want time to fast forward ASAP. I've got so many things to do after the exams hehe.

OH okay okay I know what I'll blog about now! Um so on Friday, while going home with kennedy, we sat on this super old version of bus 12. It was super squeezy but after a while, it became rather comfortable. And thennnn, there was this quarrel which broke out between a chinese man and an indian man. It was really childish, in my opinion, /:

Indian man: "Why are you staring at me?"
Chinese man: "what? no, why are you staring at me?"
Indian man: "You know what you were doing, WHY WERE YOU STARING AT ME"
-And the whole thing went on, with lots of vulgarities and shouts involved.

The worst thing was, both kennedy and i were seated right behind them. I was using the plastic bag to cover my face because I was laughing too much LOL
And kennedy found out that the indian man was cheating on his wife, this guy is horrible ok

all the best for the eoys guys!! I'm sure that with hard work, everything will pay off ^^
i'll probably blog again tomorrow, since I'm staying home from school HEHE

goodnight! :)