Tuesday 18 September 2012

Did I make it that easy to walk right in and out of my life?

Why is it that this year seems to pass so damn fast. I still remember the first day of school when I was standing outside 3E feeling sooo awkward at first then relieved upon seeing Audrey run towards me with her blue bottle in her hand. Then there was that sandcastle making thing where I started making new friends and now, the year's ending already. Although I can't wait for the day I complete my studies and end this whole going to school routine, I wish time would just slow down for a bit. Hmm the best part of yesterday was having the "talk" with Miss Sangeetha during PC, she was really nice and it felt so good to know that someone was willing to hear me out :) Told her about my hk drama and my family and loads of other things and subconsciously rattled on till the bell rang. She was really so understanding and she actually listened to me the whole time. And that is why I love Miss Heng and Miss Sangeetha, they can completely relate and they make an effort to stand in a student's point of view, unlike some teachers who always think they're right.

Math remedial was stupid, I felt like I totally wasted my time there. Got picked on twice by Mrs Kong, although I was paying attention. I just turned away for awhile to look at another question and she had to say I wasn't listening. 

NO. N O  W A Y.

I don't see myself applying trigonometry graphs/ graphs of functions/ cos(x)/ tan(x)/ functions/ graphs of functions ANYTIME IN MY LIFE IN THE FUTURE.
And how is it fun and cool. If math was a person, I would never be his or her friend, (s)he can rot in hell for all I care D:<

^So true. 
To be honest I don't think too much nowadays about silly things, but I still find myself troubled. Its just so tiring you know, everyday I'm just going through the same cycle, over and over again. There's nothing more to look forward to. 

Then again, on a probably more positive note, I can't wait for the EOEOYS, I'll be as free as a bird and I'll be able to behave like a typical couch potato YAY

And back to the more serious note, do take a moment to read this :) 

Taken from Xuanzhu's blog

well I think this reminds us of the little things in life we should be grateful for.
Goodnight and sweet dreams :)