Thursday 11 October 2012

Aren't these the moments we live for?


 So anyway, woke up at 7:15AM this morning even though it was supposed to be a day where we did not have to go to school. And why????!!!! We had to go back for 2 hours plus just so some CCTV TV programme people could come and video us. And helloo the filming only took like, 5 minutes?! i hope this marks my route of fame in china ok. Hopefully some millionaire notices us and brings us over to develop our "talents" hhahahaha. Nah who am I kidding!
Nonetheless, no regrets going to school today because of my eds peeps :') Each time we're in the blackbox my mood is immediately lifted and all of us just go mad and crazy, and suddenly all the sadness seems to disappear :) and that certain someone took a pair of high heels and strutted around the whole place with a piece of red cloth dangling over his neck. Kaili cleaned the blackbox up because it was so dirty, and all her efforts kinda got wasted afterwards because we messed the place up again hehe. And clarence's bottle leaked so his whole bag and the contents were soaked, and so he brought back a heap of toilet paper to clean up HAHA

Marcus, kennedy and clarence started playing "disabled soccer" and after they eventually stopped, we all sat on the sofas and talked :) Most of the time bieberzxc yongzi was snatching kennedy's phone to deal with her personal matters (HAHA) and marcus and I were giving her some mature tips to help ;) and we all spent our 11:11 wishing for her okay!!!! She should feel honoured tsk. Hmm and then marcus and clarence tried doing some makeover thing for me and tied the red cloth around me, so when the CCTV people came, it was 12:30PM and I quickly removed the cloth and kicked the high heels away hehhs. They filmed kennedy's litup play and at first they tried communicating in chinese to kennedy, but zhichun was called upon for help LOL! Originally wanted ShaoJinRui to be interviewed instead but he disappeared so yup! Well done zhichun! HAHA

And then after everyone dispersed, marcus, kennedy, clarence and I stayed behind and I practiced my parking skills with the long canvas board on wheels hehehe. It takes lots of skill to successful park it into the corner ok! :) After more dilly-dallying and deciding on where to go, we headed down to the canteen to eat psh. And oh by the way, kennedy is my black minion (bcos he was wearing black legenda shirt), Clarence is my coral bubble tea with orange slices minion, and marcus ang is my blueberry cheesecake minion hahaha. And I was the queeeennn! >:) So after eating we took 158 with ziyi but he alighted at his stop and the rest of us went to NEX. All of us fell asleep so when we reached we still hadn't decided where to go or what to do meh. Eventually headed upstairs and went inside one of the nicest shops ever because the things they sold there were so so cute!! But I combed the whole area myself since the 3 of them were looking at their guy stuffs. Left the shop at about 3pm and wanted to go to Party world but realized it was a total scammer! So we went next door to the cinema but there wasn't any show to watch and so we hoboed outside before making our way to Soghurt :))

And after hoboing around more we decided to just bus home ): But we planned our outing on Monday and I'm proud to say we finally acted decisively and actually settled on an actual plan YAY. This is an extremely huge achievement ;) So we alighted at kennedy's stop and walked thru the town park, past the fishing pond and to the park at the recreation centre. Saw the deformed tree, and we were stepping on the stones so we wouldn't come into contact with the puddles of fishy water mixed with rainwater /:

And so....

(marcus' instaaaaa)

(marcus' instaaaaa)


the 3 of them went to parkour at some weird weird semi circle thingy and then we took turns to sit on the spinning thing! Although it was really tiny and didn't look intimidating, it was super scary cos I felt like puking and the whole thing kept turning round and round and round and round and it was as if the world was spinning. So I kept my eyes shut and my head was kept down the whole time kennedy and clarence spun the thing. Then we headed to the swings, before going to the see saw, which was the highlight because marcus kept torturing all 3 of us by making us go all the way up. And by torturing, he did it purposely each time such that when we went up, we were all clutching on the handrails to prevent ourselves from falling. I'm not kidding, each time we went upwards, we all bounced up too! Super super scary, I swear that marcus is a bully! But that was what made the whole thing fun too hehe.

And so by the time we booked a court for Monday, it was about 5:30PM? And then kennedy and marcus started chasing each other and kicking sand into one another's shoes because while marcus was trying to use a stick to see how deep the sand was, kennedy and clarence kept filling the hole up with sand all over again hahahaha! But clarence and I ran off first so we weren't attacked ;) but eventually marcus got sand into his mouth too cos kennedy kicked it into his mouth /:

and then we headed to the bus interchange and said byebyee :) So yep! that was how my day went, hopefully yours has been good too :)
