Wednesday 10 October 2012

Mind over Matter.



In fact, I've started watching three episodes of my korean drama! Gnna aim to finish at least 3 dramas this holiday yaayyy! Anyhoo, math 2 today was okay I guess? Much better than math 1 I think. I hope it won't end up being a disappointment :) After the math 2 paper, marcoos, kennedy, clarence and i headed off to whitesands! We're such a bunch of indecisive people, we never seem to settle on a plan >:(
in fact we've been talking about what to do waaayyy before the EOYs even started, but you see??!! We always digress or forget about the original topic or brush it off and when the time comes, we all end up sitting at the same spot before finally getting our butts off. Nonetheless, today was still a good day :) Although we didn't do much! HAHA

So we trained down to pasir ris again, and the whole time we were deciding whether to watch a movie or not, and we even checked the timings and everything else, but meh plans changed again ): In the end, we settled for lunch at Pepper Lunch BUT changed our minds and ended up at the kopitiam. But then again it was fine since we filled our tummies and had our dessert ^^ and clarence kept insisting that the whole food court scammed people of their money hhahaha

then after spending quite a while there, we headed to a big shop selling loads of baby stuff and toys :) Played around with the toys and the clothes and what not, and clarence yeo even tried squeezing his arm into a coat for baby girls! And then after looking through the books and clothes and toys, we went down to NTUC to play! :D headed to the fruits section first and marcus ang wee kiat used a green apple to represent my tiny head on a huge melon, aaaanddd sooo i used a pear with a small top and a huge body to represent him ;)

headed home at about 2:30pm and reached home at 3 :) Then I've been slacking in front of the computer ever since! I could get use to life like this everydayy~~~

okies byebye there's eds tomorrow morning and I'm not sure if I'm looking forward or not looking forward to it. Can't wait to see all my lovely people and yet i don't want to wake up early especially when its suposed to be a holiday )': ohwells gudbai I shall go back to devoting my time to my drama ^^ 5 episodes down! (yes yes I started this post when I was at my 3rd episode and now I'm at my 5th heh heh)